THEY KISSED!! - The Last: Naruto The Movie Reaction Part 3


ST9830, 17 Jan 2021 - 12:20am
If you happen to want another long running anime to react to, I'd recommend Fairy Tail. I don't think it's quite as long as Naruto though. Naruto is extremely long, but Fairy Tail is a good several hundred episodes as well.
RJ, 17 Jan 2021 - 12:26am
ST9830, i wish. Fairy Tail is the anime i'd like to see her react the most.
i recommend one piece or bleach instead. she should react to the big 3 before anything else since she's new to anime.
They are movies but I think you would really enjoy the movies: Silent Voice and the movie Your Name. Your name would be good for your romance kick. Tv series wise i would recommend My Love Story!!, Orange, My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU, Your Lie in April. Although Your Lie and Orange both will have you in tears.
RJ, 16 Jan 2021 - 11:40pm
Suzy on this video you talked about maybe reacting to a Romance Anime.
i suggest you reacting to Itazura na Kiss. it's such a good romance anime.
also you could react to K-Drama. K-Dramas are Korean live action Dramas.
most of them are Romantic. but some of them are not but are also amazing.
i suggest you react to a great K-Drama named Lie to Me. it's a romance K-Drama.
there's also another romantic K-Drama named Goblin. it's decent in my opinion.
there's a Japanese one named Ashita Mama Ga Inai. not romantic,but my favorite
It's probably too late to say this since I'm sure you've already recorded the next upload, but the fillers are 480-483. 484 would be where the canon stuff picks back up again.
Suzy, I know you said that you wouldn't be reacting to the Boruto anime series for a while, but would you consider just doing the Boruto movie after Episode 500? It will flow seamlessly after Shippuden and will be all canon.
Its been awesome watching you react to Naruto!
I heard you wouldnt watch or react to Boruto yet or at all as it is not finished, so without reacting.I think you should watch Boruto the movie, probably the sickest animation in there for Narutoverse! And you get to see how the village is doing after multiple years ^^
Now the big question has been answered: Naruto would spend his last day on earth with Kurama. With whom else? 😉

Next Episode

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