Bite - Attack On Titan Episode 19 Reactiom


Suzy finished AOT at least 2-3 weeks ago so spoilers for this season aren’t an issue. I don’t know why people feel the need to complain so much. 🙈
At first I thought AOT was just nillisistic BS; now I see it as fighting for hope in a desperate situation. Suzy AOT seems to be the type of story best watched fast, four or five episodes a week, at least. I think you should do one or two Sword Art episodes a week and not start My Hero Academia season 3 until you are finished with AOT; I'll just have to wait for my pizza.
agreed we need more sword art besides the next couple of episodes are really emotional and interesting
For the love of God suzy, stop asking people to guess who it is. Remember your audience are people who already seen it and want to see your genuine first reactions to it. You just asking for spoilers hence the fools posting spoilers in the comments.
RJ, 16 Feb 2021 - 7:22pm
nice to hear your thoughts about some of the explanations about Eren powers.
It’s Christa the blonde hair gave it away when the titan leaves christa shows up with 2 horses coincidence I think not
Katsu, 16 Feb 2021 - 1:59am
Suzy I think you shouldn't be asking people in the comments of who could be the female titan😅.
Just saying, try to be careful with spoilers. That show is a masterpiece of mysteries, and with that said, Attack on Titan it's one of the things that I couldn't watch without getting some spoilers with somethings that have happened along with the show. By the ways your reactions and theories are so good though, keep it up! ^o^
yeah, but it's Suzy remember? she's still wondering why it didn't eat anyone and saying its intelligent for a titan, when she knows there's a person in there.
hexus, 16 Feb 2021 - 1:26am
"let me know in the comment section" HAHAH I don't think you'd want that and I really hope no one is stupid enough to tell you
