To Help Somebody, Someday - Black Clover Episode 33 Reaction


Please Suzy don't add another new anime reaction after bleach, come back to black clover, it is so good, i promise you don't realize how good the plot and character development are. Love your reactions
Please Suzy don't add another new anime reaction after bleach, come back to black clover, it is so good, i promise you don't realize how good the plot and character development are. Love your reactions
honestly though, it is top 4 or 5 animes that she would have reacted to in her list. It is arguarbly the best new gen anime of all time, it is either blaxk clover or jujutsu kaisen
Gauche lost everything at a young age except for his sister so she’s all he has left. Seeing her smile is also the only thing that got him through all the tough times living on the street. As a result Gauche’s idea of what a normal brother sister relationship should be has been considerably warped

As for the nosebleed thing it’s an exaggerated physical expression of a character’s excitement. So it can be related to anything, not just sexual stuff. In Gauche’s case he gets excited at the thought of spending time with his sister, since she’s the only family he has. The nose bleed is just an exaggerated way to show that
Gouche's whole identity is wrapped-up in protecting/providing for his sister; it could be worse he could be set on revenge and regard Marie as a distraction from that goal. The nose bleed thing is weird, I'll assume Suzy is correct and that it usually signals 'romantic' interest in anime , but SpicySmegma and rogerreng are also correct - no 'romance' here.
I love your reaction on Gouche’s love for his sister haha. You don’t have to overthinking it though. It’s just a sister complex over exaggerated by Japaneses, which is a thing they always do in Anime, over exaggerating things to male it “funny”.
Gouche doesn’t s**ualize his sister. It’s a sister complex and he’d do anything for her. He only got this way because he’s been taking care of her on his own ever since their parents died.

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