Ichimaru Gin's Shadow - Bleach Episode 20 Reaction



Uryu's grandpa wanted Uryu to work with Soul Reapers and have Quincies and Soul Reapers co-exist, we saw that in a flashback. Remember how he saved Ichigo's life partially to honor his grandpa? There is a different reason he apologized to his grandpa during his training, one that is unexplained.
ZANgetsu... and no... I'll never stop saying that... :D I've finally decided to support you and watch more of your reaction. 😄 Probably for a month... I hope even more then a month!
You don't need to say you're sorry do what makes you feel happy. as fans we support in what you do :)
You don't need to say you're sorry do what makes you feel happy. as fans we support in what you do :)
Think about it, Chad, Uryu, and Orihime are humans but they were allowed to pass through. With that being said, Urahara should be able to pass too...unless there's a reason he can't. I won't spoil it for you but stay tuned lol
That reaction was amazing can't wait for you to watch the next few episodes I myself didn't even know that jiraiya voice is kenpaches lol and I saw this anime so many times 🤣🤣 but yeah please continue to post more . Also you have been neglecting a little bit BC🍀 would also love to see your reaction to that series because you would love it
