Formation! The Worst Tag - Bleach Episode 26 Reaction



Who is Urahara to these people? He was wearing a Captain's Haori in Ikakku's memory. 😏
Ikkaku said he was a 3rd seat, which is one spot below lieutenant and two spots below captain, so he's weaker than the two that came to ichigo's world to get rukia.
Are all captains stronger than all lieutenants, are all lieutenants stronger than all lower ranked squad-members? Ok, answering that might be a spoiler, but it's annoyingly
lazy storytelling if true.
Yes, hence the ranking system. I would imagine though that if a lower rank surpassed those ahead of them that there might be plan of action for ranking up.
So you can't have a Captain who is a great leader but a weakling or a simple grunt who could wipe the floor with his Captain?
Yes, it's almost always true that those of a higher rank are more powerful in the Gotei 13. There are some cases where this isn't true, but it's uncommon. I won't get into the specifics or give you specific examples. There isn't any rule that specifically enforces a hierarchy of strength though, it's not like that.

Also, lazy storywriting? I strongly disagree. The Gotei 13 is a military organization whose general purpose is to protect Soul Society and the World of the Living from any and all threats (typically hollows). What else would they be ranked on if not strength? Obviously to be a high-ranking Soul Reaper (especially a captain) basic leadership skills are a requirement, but to lead your squad against hollows you have to be strong and have a lot of experience or you're just going to immediately die.

It might make more sense to you as you watch more of the series, but the bottom line is being in the Gotei 13 is a combat intensive position. Being strong is a requirement to lead a squad againt supernatural monsters, to me that's just common sense.
Captain is the highest rank, but there can only be 13 captains. So it’s not impossible for a Lieutenant to meet the promotional requirements for Captain, but there’s no open Captain seat. This goes for all seated officers as well, to hold a specific seat you have to meet the requirements for it, but if there’s no available promotion then you’ll remain at your current seat until one becomes available. This is why Aizen mentioned Renji transferring from his squad to Kenpachi’s squad to Squad 6. If a seat opens up in any squad any qualified officer from any squad can transfer in order to get the promotion. This system isn’t very well explained so I don’t mind clarifying it now, since everything but the edge cases have been touched on
*minor spoilers below*

Well, this is a bit misleading actually, you shouldn't tell Suzy something like this or she will get the wrong idea. A higher rank does not always mean someone is stronger, it's more of a general guideline if anything not a rule. Squad 11 where Ikkaku is from is actually a great example of a squad that isn't necessarily ordered by strength for every single position, and that specific case will be explained more later.

With that being said, all I will say is that whether or not Ikkaku is weaker or stronger than Renji (a Lieutenant) is not as cut and dry as you say. It's highly debateable, and you can't ever use rank as a sole way to compare two people's abilities in Bleach.
Nemo97, 17 Sep 2023 - 1:41pm
Yepp which already tells ya something obvious 😌 Suzy gotta look at the detailssss xD lol
