Renji, Oath of the Soul! Death Match with Byakuya - Bleach Episode 52 Reaction



Why the video that in your website suddenly keep buffering while streaming ? Others website video streaming doesn't have this issue.
Happy Birthday Suzy from the past! So you recorded it on 5th of October... You are miles away in the anime then... About the cold... oh yes I have the same problem in the cold seasons... if I touch something and than eat or touch my mouth... three days later... I'm sick... and that's terrible...So I feel your pain... hope now you are okey!
Such a great fight. I knew going into this fight the end would be hard to watch for Suzy 😢. This fight got brutal. I really like the scene where Byakuya finally acknowledges Renji though, saying his fang reached him. Even though Renji was far weaker, Byakuya was still in awe of his incredible resolve. I'm sure when he pointed his blade at Renji for the last time he didn't think Renji would actually dare to get up, but he did. Renji stuck to his convictions of saving Rukia even if it meant certain death.
Also "The bathroom is this way, that's where I'm going" and "not even a freaking scratch on this prick!" both really got me 😂
Up to this point I had no understanding of Rukias brother in any of this. The first time I ever watched it I wanted someone to put him in his place too.
Byakuya is one of my fave characters in Bleach, but he needed to be put in his place regardless. He was still being a huge asshole even with greater context. Hell, the thing that made me angriest was when he told Ukitake it didn't matter if he lost another subordinate since he had already lost Kaien. Like... wow. Probably the most rotten thing possible he could have said. He was actually just a horrible guy at this time, and he got some much needed sense beat into him. That's ok though, that's called character development and we love to see it in anime.
That's what makes this anime so good.. one minute you hate a person and can't stand to see them and then the next minute you love them and are like how could I have hated or at least continue to hate someone like this. It does this with the majority of the show. Character development is huge in this anime. It also seems to happen at an insane rate too. Suzy has continued to change her liking to someone in this. But I'd be shocked if she changed it for him lol. Such an arrogant little prick with it looking like he doesn't care a bit about his sister at all.
Maybe, but I actually do think Suzy will come around to him. He gets his priorities back in order pretty quickly, and I think it really helps that does his best to make things right with Rukia. I mention stuff from this arc because I know she has already finished it.

Obviously what he did was not ok, but despite that he is still Rukia's brother. He may have been cold and distant to her, but he did keep her safe and taken care of all this time. You know, at least until this arc. That's why Rukia still loved him and was grateful to him despite him not trying to save her.
