The Man Named Kisame - Naruto Shippuden Episode 251 Reaction


DiEm, 26 Aug 2020 - 8:36pm
Hello, could you please explain a more precise meaning of non-VIPs getting reactions 1 day later than VIPs? Is it 1 day as in 24 hours, or does it mean any time of the next day? Because it has been like 30 hours since you posted for VIPs and I still cannot see a regular version, so just wondering how it works :)
One time I saw it go up exactly 16 hours after the VIP release. Idk if it's always 16 hours but it definitely seems to always be less than 24 hours.
You may also not be taking into account that every time you see on this website is for Suzy's timezone. If you don't live in her Timezone then you have to do the math to see when the episode was actually posted in your time.
Kisame was the real definition of shinobi ... He did what he had to do, to never give up information to the enemy, no matter what the cost is, whether it be to kill his own comrades or to kill himself. And he realized that he is living in a world full of lies, that is why I loved his sentence, "I would have like to have gone there " pointing on project tsuki no me. He went out like a G!!
matruz, 26 Aug 2020 - 2:30am
Suzy, perhaps now it would be a good time to watch or react to Naruto the Movie: Road to Ninja. Although it's a non-canon movie (aka: 90 min filler) the animation quality is very good and it has a lot of great moments.
rest in peace with Kisame, the most loyal member of Akatsuki, who gave his life and fulfilled his mission despite everything. It is also interesting because the actor who made his voice died at that time, I remember that in Japanese he had a very particular voice which I have not seen anyone can imitate, a great character and a great voice actor.
