Attack of the Gedo Statue - Naruto Shippuden Episode 276 Reaction


I mean he is one of the strongest Shinobi in the world at this point. Like he’s more powerful then tSunade. He was probably on pair with her during the Pain fight.
What did you think of the dancing Gedou statue? This is what all of those comments were about. So hopefully now, people can stop spamming those annoying comments since they don't have to anymore.
But its not though lol.. Yes the comments are annoying but this episode had nothing to do with them.
Naruto should have told Iruka “I can stop this war! I’m the main character. The freakn show is named after me! I can’t lose!” Lol
She knows how to use it fine. The tools just take a crazy amount of chakra to use. It's the fact that she doesn't have tailed beast level chakra to use the fan, not that she doesn't know how to use it.
That's the first time Kishimoto made a real attempt to make Tenten relevant. She'd probably be a waste of a character if it weren't for the fillers. This is the main reason I think the Naruto fillers are drastically underrated.
Unfortunately she is a waste of a character anyway. Underpowered, and never really accomplishes anything. Being a weapon specialist is cool af, she could've been so much better.
