Origin of the Ultimate Tag Team! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 282 Reaction


Albin, 06 Oct 2020 - 8:39am
suzy next time when you talk can u pause the vid cause its annoying me when you talk and the screen dissapears and when you put it back on we missed a whole chunk so please pause it next time.😇
You know that her reactions aren’t unedited right? She intentionally takes out those clips while finishing her thought process/comment. There will always be gaps in the video footage. Since she is attempting to keep the naruto video footage under 10 minutes.
It doesn't let me watch the episode because it says I have an ad blocker on yesterday it worked just fine and I haven't changed anything and the ad before the video plays just fine
You do know you can watch it in her YouTube channel right!? Wish is ahead the website btw if you don't have vip
"For the sake of one's nation/village, I would kill my own brother". That might be a theme you'll want to keep a lookout for.
No way war arc was better all the scenes were way better like the reanimations and everything after
WATCH AND RECORD THE FILLERS! They follow the WAR and if you feel like its worth a reaction to show us then post the reaction, because I liked most of the fillers as well and you're almost done with the show so enjoy what you can.
When someone calls you brother and is not related it's much stronger of a bond than a "real" brother. Hate when people think having the same blood means shit all.
Suzy, for this little bit of story, don't skip anything until you get to the "Power" episodes (I think around 290, though I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong). Those six are pure filler whereas the others before them labeled as such actually add a lot of context and interesting fights to the ongoing war arc.
A "filler" is just a part of the story that doesn't exist in the original story. Naruto is based off a book series ("manga") and the "fillers" are literally just extra bits of story made only for the anime adaptation. The reason why people don't like fillers is because they have no real impact on the story (because they always HAVE to end where the story was originally going before a filler arc, so they're just glorified detours) and because they're not what the original writer and artist of the series originally put in so they're unnecessary. Fillers aren't all bad and they're not inherently bad; people just see them as a waste of time, it doesn't REALLY matter if you skip them or not. They just kinda develop certain side characters that don't get much love in the source material.
the word "filler" seems to imply "bad" in the community and that's not really its intent. there are a few "filler" episodes that are actually quality story telling, the real definition of "filler" is episodes that don't continue the main story. there a at least a few fillers coming up that are also excellent episodes and great stories that deserve recording. of course, i'll leave the recording discretion up to suzy, but the word "filler" should be treated differently.
Yep, actualy in Naruto series only some filler arc doesn't fit in main story, cause it brings back to 1st season, but in Great War those fillers's a big addition that Kishimoto wanted to show in manga, but don't have enough time
I've watched that flashback scene soo many times over just because I love the conflict between the characters
