I Will Love You Always - Naruto Shippuden Episode 339 Reaction


One thing Suzy. I don't know if you read the comments but you sort of missed this. There was another way to stop all of this and Shisui was talking about it. He was going to cast the kotoamatsukami on the clan to order them not to proceed with the revolt. Danzo did not approve of that plan. It goes back to what I've been saying about Danzo. He wants to protect the village his way, and his way always has some benefit for himself. How come he was the only one that benefited from that entire slaughter, he collected a bunch of sharingan and used it to make himself stronger. Its his own power first, the leaf second.
No matter how many times I watch this episode it still feels the same. It just show what an impactful character Itachi is.
NaNo, 27 Oct 2020 - 11:29pm
this is the episode ive been dying for you to see ever since you started watching Naruto
