The Ten Tails' Jinchuriki - Naruto Shippuden Episode 378 Reaction


Martin, 12 Dec 2020 - 4:54pm
Fortunately you don't give yourself the 0815 fillers that every now and then just blow up the main course frame.
also can suzy not watch the tsunade filler later on cause its gonna spoil FIGHTS ALOT
brace yourself for more fillers like 2/3 for the next 150 episodes that left are fillers soooo... good time
remember that sasuke said that he'd be the one to break the bond with naruto, not obito while saving naruto.
Minato is an amazing ninja and Hokage but the names he makes for all his jutsu are hilariously lame and overly complicated.
No lie obito to me is one of the worst characters. He killed so many people and destroyed so much. Can’t feel sorry for him.
He's a villain therefore he's a bad character. This is what it means that all opinions aren't right.
EM, 28 Nov 2020 - 9:31pm
Really so did Madara, Itachi, Nagato, Kakashi yet I never understood while ppl don't really care about their doings but they only remember Obito's
add kuruma too that list. he was set up from day 1 as beeing evil. until what 50 episodes or less ago? kuruma belived too be evil.. well pretty much longer than any of the bad guys? maybe besides orocimaru...
RJ, 28 Nov 2020 - 6:28pm
episode 378 was a good episode.
that was so uneasy to see Obito being teared apart. well done scenes.
nice to see your reactions and to hear your theories and thoughts on this episode.
those mecha-naruto episodes were hilarious. lol.
hear you talking about those episodes were so funny too. lol
Maybe because his life has been nothing but misery after Rin's death?

Hell even when near death all he could think about was about her and his old life, not his plan or hatred for the world.
