The Hidden Heart - Naruto Shippuden Episode 392 Reaction


pokemon is an anime for kids that age.. boruto goes much futher than that. surely u will agree on that much? i will agree that the avrg audience seems lower set for boruto than naruto. but saying its aimed for kids at the age of 9 is not fair too the show when u compare it too shows that actualy aim for an audiance that age.
RJ, 09 Dec 2020 - 11:19pm
such a good video. Shukaku backstory with that Monk was kinda sad to rewatch.
Monk's speech was awesome and it was great when Shukaku protected Gaara.
i have to admit that my heart fulls of happiness in the moment that you said
that you pretends to do reactions to Boruto at some point.
just that little hope already made my whole week. it truly did.
in my opinion Boruto is mostly good, it's becoming epic and after seeing your
Journey watching OG and Shippuden i wish we'll see your reaction to the Future.
a Future is even brighter now that Kishimoto is back to write Boruto till the end.
current arc of Boruto was full of action, great animation and lots of Fan Services.
i wish we will hear what you'll think. and now i have a hope that we'll maybe hear it
Suzy not all of the upoming fillers a real fillers. And you really need to react atleast to episode 399 to 421. they are epic episodes. One of my favourites of all shippuden.
I realized Madara being able to use susano is a plothole. He doesn't have his eyes, how can he use eye-related jutsu?
I know right? In the last episode he was absorbing Sasukes Amaterasu, but that's a Rinnegan ability
yaak, 10 Dec 2020 - 1:02am
There's so much at this point that makes no sense lol. Both those two points are 100% valid. When Madara was first revived the animation showed very clearly that he can only use those abilities when the eyes are active and he has to switch from Rinnegan to Mangekyo to use the abilities tied to those jutsu. Despite the issues with plot holes the show still is fun to watch though.
Keep in mind he also used susanoo against the kage after he had double rinnegan and no sharingan. I've never thought this to be a plot hole I always concluded that while the sharingan granted you the power it wasn't necessary after you have learned it. The susanoo is the only ability that all Uchiha can learn and therefore must be a done deal once you have. Which is also why Sasuke can use it in the future considering his condition which I won't explicitly say cause it hasn't happened yet but you guys should know what I mean. Another explaination is that simply it doesn't require eyesight like the others do. Tobirama also explained that MS alters the optic tract. Even if the eyes are gone that change is permanent and remains in the brain. There were times where Itachi activated susanoo without switching to MS as well. As for absorbing the amaterasu I believe the same applies. It's another technique learned by the eyes but not particularly used utilizing them.
A. The only way to lose your susano'o is going blind via overusing your mangekyo.
B. You can use the susano'o without even the base sharingan active (watch the end of sasuke vs itachi, itachi uses susano'o with his normal eyes).
C. Not all uchiha can use susano'o, you need a mangekyo to awaken it.
D. Sasuke's amaterasu burnt madara's shirt and made his armor fall off, he did not absorb it.
E. Madara can absorb chakra by making physical contact, which is how he absorded hashirama's sage chakra (other characters that can do this are Kisame, Black and White Zetsu, and Jirobo from part one).
I'm confused cuz i can't talk about Boruto to convince her to react to it cuz everything I say it's considered spoiler. I just hope she gets to the end of Shippuden, watch Naruto the Last (hopefully) and gets curious. The rumors about Boruto being trash were drastically exagerated. It's the continuation of the story, a new generations, a new era (if you may) but still the same universe, familiar characters but also new ones that are great.
It's a soft reset so you have to watch as a new OG Naruto but the fights are better, the animations are better, the message it's a bit superficial, but that's the genius in it because these days, kids are not paying attention to what it's truly important. It's a believable continuation and for that and the fact that it's still Naruto's universe, Boruto needs to be watched! Believe it!
true. it does take quite a bit longer too really ramp up compared too OG naruto tho. it does eventualy tho i would say. compared too the first 30 ish OG naruto arks maybe more. bortuo have a slower setup. like at episode 30 ish OG naruto the fight vs orochimaru durring the forest of death have just happend. compared too that it feels like in boruto they are still establishing the main chars.. sorta. but then again the akatsuki took a while too ramp up aswell. sure orocihmaru and everything was there rather fast. but the major plot also took quite a LONG time too get too. sure its hinted at right after the chunin exames but still... we reach shipuden before it really starts? what im saying is boruto is great as its own show. but if u expect too get the exact same feeling as when watching OG naruto the first time... not gonna happen. for one. diffrent chars. same universe but diffrent chars. nostalgic usaly results in disapointment for many if u expect the same... but it non the less beeing diffrent. becourse its not naruto. simple as that. non the less i do find it quite a great show.
also start of naruto was more... lack of better words "dark". or rather pushed alot of diffcult emotions and questions. reaching a more "mature" audience from the get go. where boruto i would say starts out as a "happiere?" universe i guess? the reasons for that is also made clear from the get go. but as the show moves on i would say i does move towards a.. more mature? audience i guess u could say. im not sure if that makes sense or not thats just how i seem too see it
yaak, 10 Dec 2020 - 1:08am
I tried to watch Boruto when it first started and dropped it after a couple of episodes. Once it's over I may go back an watch it. But you are right thats it does continue the story, if you liked the way Shippuden ends you should watch the next part. But there lays the problem for me, the ending of Shippuden was awful. I hated the stuff that comes to pass after this next filler arc. Ultimately by the time the series ended I already knew I would not enjoy furthering the story line. Might be why I could not get into Boruto, or any of the final movies for Naruto. For me the series should have ended with the pain arc like it was originally planned. Only reason the war arc happened was cause he was pressured into continuing the story by his bosses. Which is why the last arc has so many problems. He wasn't ready to put pen to paper for it yet. Waiting a couple of years would have done the story some justice.
They are exaggerated and all the reactors who are currently watching it after they recently finish shippuden have said it wasn't as bad as the haters made it out to be. It's a different experience entirely when your able to binge it instead of waiting for an episode weekly. Don't forget that Suzy also questioned why sword art online gets a lot of hate and and still reacted to it and loved it despite the other opinion. I think she should give Boruto a chance.
