The Infinite Tsukuyomi - Naruto Shippuden Episode 426 Reaction


I prefer main story, but if you post an itachi on one day and the main story on another, I am okay with that.
kalf97, 19 Dec 2020 - 10:18pm
I think you should finish shippuden then go back and watch the itachi arc just cause it pointlessly breaks up the flow and doesn't add to the current story.
Watch the Itachi Arc for sure, it is really good, and without going into any spoilers, the Itachi arc actually follows the Itachi Shinden which is a written book that tells Itachi's story in its own book by the author, it is one of the best "filler" arcs in the anime.
jdennis867, 19 Dec 2020 - 10:55pm
she watches all the fillers but she just doesn't post them.
EM, 19 Dec 2020 - 9:50pm
From now on the rest of the remaining fillers are all important and explain alot, especially after the war there is like 9 episodes filler “Sasuke Shinden” that's not a back story it continues the story after the war, then there is a time jump to the last 5 episodes this time jump is in the movie “Naruto The Last” which u must see again must see before the last 5 episodes
Start from the Itachi arc. I mean for God's sakes it's his backstory and its canon like Kakashi's. If you guys want to know more about him than you already know now, I promise you'll love him even more.
There is literally no point to watch it before the end of shippuden. It adds nothing to the story. She can still watch and enjoy it afterwards.
Just a little bit of Japanese culture.
1. Tsukuyomi refers to the moon god and in the anime that's the jutsu Itachi uses to cause life like experiences in seconds.
2. Tsukimi (Tsuki means Moon in Japanese and mi means see or look) is a moon gazing festival that happens in Autumn in Japan.

The word Tsukinomi (literally looking of the moon) is not a word in usage whatsoever. If they meant Tsukinome (which would translate to eye of the moon but "me" would be pronounced as "may" no "mee") that would make sense. Although I did watch the Japanese dub for most part I don't know if they ever refer to this as Tsukinomi or Tsukinome (I could be wrong). But I think it is a mistake in the English Dub to have referred it as anything but the "infinite Tsukuyomi" (Mugen tsukuyomi in japanese). Just saying all this because when I watch a show from a different culture, I feel it's important to be aware and respect cultural references.

That said nice reaction once again! :)

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