The Infinite Tsukuyomi - Naruto Shippuden Episode 426 Reaction


Can I suggest that you please do the Itachi arc but do it after the canon episodes are done as the Itachi arc has nothing to do with the episodes afterwards so you can watch it after. Please consider this option as well. Can't go back to an Itachi arc after seeing where things are right now.
RJ, 19 Dec 2020 - 8:18pm
that was phenomenal to see your reactions to Yamato reappering.
this episode is more special after we saw yamato backstory during Kakashi arc.
your reaction to yamato appearing was even better i thought would be.
i've enjoyed a lot also to see your reactions to Infinite Tsukuyomi being activated.
it was aso nice to hear your thoughts and see your reactions to Yamato's Dream.
plz think about record itachi arc and post after ep 500.after the end of the war arc.
i think its the best way to make everyone happy.
Yeah, i feel like you should skip itachi's arc, for now. And upload it after the war arc or something.
yaak, 19 Dec 2020 - 7:25pm
If ya choose to skip you can always watch/react to it later after the war is over for those who want it ^^. There's no good reason it has to be now story line wise.
yaak, 19 Dec 2020 - 7:23pm
Glad to see Yamato back. So under used lol but made for a great reveal. Just for those who underestimate Yamato know this. He is far stronger than most the rest. He was being used by Zetsu, but that does nothing to Yamato's power. It allows Zetsu to use Yamato's abilities. Yes he has always been able to use the jutsus we recently saw. Fact is till this point we never got to see him in a serious fight. But it was all done for the reveal. If we knew he could use the abilities he has shown in the last couple of episodes it would have ruined it. Like Guy, Yamato took a back seat for the whole show for the reveals they both showed. Guys is by far the strongest shinobi alive today that isn't enhanced by anything other than his own abilities. Yamato may not be as strong as the first but hes far stronger than most give him credit for. If he hadn't been knocked out by that poison made by Kabuto, then used by Zetsu. The war could have gone so much better for the alliance.
You could always watch these filler arcs after the war arc if you feel the need to continue.

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