Bonds - Naruto Shippuden Episode 48 Reaction


Yea, I'm way way Way late on this one but, I've now watched several different people react to naruto and EVERY one of them asks this question because this plot point seems to confuse everyone. Why does Naruto continue to chase after Saskue when Sauske left of his own free will? Obviously Sauske doesn't care about Naruto or the Leaf. I will attempt to explain this plot point. It comes down to a change in the way people view their relationships with the people around them between when this story was originally written....and now. Today, and for most of the past two generations we have lived in a very "You do you" sort of society but this wasn't always the case. From about the mid 90s back, people took a MUCH more active role in the lives of the people around them. If you had a close friend or family member who was intent on doing something stupid that might get them hurt or in trouble, it was MUCH more common for people to step in and try to prevent it. If you had a friend how drank too much you'd pour out their booze or organize and intervention where you'd get all their friends together and try your damndest to convince them that what they were doing needed to stop for example. NOW in the case of our story here. Naruto sees Sauske as a brother....and he sees that the path that Sauske is on is going to literally end in him gettting killed. Therefore, Naruto sees it as his duty to do everything he can to stop Sauske from walking down this path EVEN THOUGH it's what Sauske wants....the way Naruto sees it, Sauske's been blinded by his hatred of his brother and his thirst for revenge and this has clouded his judgement...NOT unlike addiction might cloud someone's judgement to the overall affects their chosen drug might be having on them.....thus Naruto feels he must stop Sauske to protect him from the outcome of this, EVEN if Sauske hates him for it. By the way, I"m not trying to say that the old way of thinking is better or worse than how we do things today. I have my own opinions on that, and you're free to have yours. I'm JUST explaining the plot point so that hopefully it makes more sense to people since it seems to be such a point of confusion for so many people. Have a great day.
Salah erraji (not verified), 29 Jan 2020 - 10:06pm
Thanks for your hard work i love you so mush you😊😊
