The Legendary Hero - Sword Art Online S3 Episode 18 Reaction


I'd say at least do 3 times a week when you're into it so you don't fall off so easy. Everytime you come back you're in love all over again. Anyway I'm here for it all!
Awesome. All the integrity knights seem dope. 3 episodes a week please. Don't let the haters say anything, sword art is fantastic. Some people hate Naruto, which blows my mind still when I think about it.
I think it largely as to do with the stupid amount of fillers it has

Which were largely poorly timed too
Yes, it's one reason.
But there are more reasons, like bad power scaling, anime losing sense later on, unrealistic characters where everyone can change just by hearing some words, power of friendship. All of it, kinda makes it boring. The only good things about Naruto is that it's based on legends, music and Akatsuki.
Yeah i didnt liked how the handle the powers, like they got absurd later on and lost the whole thing that made the fights goods which was the planning and strategy.

It just became a spamming mess of the strongest move like Rasengan.
