Battle of Unraikyo - Naruto Shippuden Episode 142 Reaction


Lol you better put some respeck on killerbee name he ain’t no pushover trust me
Crypt, 27 May 2020 - 2:46am
Shame that you're skipping reacts for the next arc because of the crying weeaboo minority, it's a good one and isn't even filler.
The reason I dislike Sasuke is because as skilled as he is, he is so immature mentally, and selfish. He was warned about living his life for revenge, and he still abandoned everything and everybody to killed Itachi. Now he decides to destroy the leaf village in his brother's name, even though Itachi made all of those sacrifices to keep Sasuke and the leaf village safe.
LewLow, 27 May 2020 - 1:59am
Suzy since you started your VIP I can't watch your reaction on my Xbox and I don't understand why
naruya, 27 May 2020 - 1:27am
Why is there is no video showing up? Do I have to be a VIP member to watch reactions?

Please don't email me the answers to my questions or any notifications.
U still haven’t noticed sasukes mangekyo well u should next episode at least sheesh
Hey Suzy, didn’t you say you were gonna double upload 142&143 because they premiered the same day originally? and were meant to be seen back to bac.
Sukor, 27 May 2020 - 12:22am
I don't think that i understood pretty well but please react to episode 143 here.
