Assault on the Leaf Village! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 157 Reaction


Just so you know, a 'Jinchuriki' is the person who hosts a 'Tailed Beast': the nine- and eight-tails are Tailed Beasts, Naruto and Gaara are Jinchurikis.
The funny this about the idiots who say Sakura is useless, is that they can never factually prove it. Or they will only talk about hand picked moments where the writer wanted her to look weak in comparison to others, namely Naruto and Sasuke. Even when Sakura does something great, like the fight with Sasori, people will say that Chiyo was controlling her, even though they ignore that Sakura still had to use her own power in combination with Chiyo controlling her. Even after that, Sakura saved Chiyo's life twice, which in turn save Gaara. It doesn't make her useless just because the writer didn't really know how to write female characters well, Sakura in particular, something he even admitted. I'm not going to post spoilers, but the same idiots who call her useless love to ignore everything she does later on in Shippuden, as if a few bad moments erases all the good she does.
She's not useless. But the author didn't gave her proper attention. She is a perfect chakra controller kunoichi, learns medical and raw power with Tsunade, made to be a Genjutsu style ninja (but never uses it, only good fighting against it) and best kunoichi than Tsunade. But she has few screen time in any role that worth the spot of one of main characters. All she did in original Naruto was cry and be stupid. So that image of her was carved in almost every naruto fan. xD
Indeed, she had big growth in Shipudden. In Gaara Rescue Arc they gave her redemption and made her badass and useful, grew our espectations to the rest of series and so far TBH she was been back to useless. Lets see for now on.
People love to mischaracterize Sakura just because they don't like her. She was never useless. Currently she is not useless. It amazes me how many people lack the common sense to see that just because the writer decides to focus on Naruto at the expense of screen time for pretty much every other character, doesn't erase the deeds of those characters not being featured. Calling Sakura useless is stupid when she clearly has shown she is very useless, but stupid people will be stupid and ignore facts.
Suzy no one said Naruto can defeat Pain they only said Naruto is the only one who has a chance of defeating him...WE MUST KNOW PAIN
Suzy- Never say sakura is useless to me again

Everyone else- Didn't you say that before and you were proven wrong 🤷‍♂️
U mean by proven u wrong not us right. Sakura is just a normal character without the OP background like both Sasuke and Naruto but u expect her to have a power spikes like em ? Despite all the saving that she has done wow u must be that useful
How does anything after this arc eliminate what she has done before it. You don't know what useless means, so stop using that word.
