Surname is Sarutobi! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 161 Reaction


This is a really rude thing to say, you basically just called her an idiot. Chill the fuck out dude. She is bound to miss a few things every so often, it's not a big deal.
RJ, 13 Jun 2020 - 9:58pm
it's one of my favorite moments on shippuden
so cool to see Konohamaru using the Rasengan to save his sensei
When Naruto tried to learn the rasen shuriken he said the same analogy to Kakashi, remember? and he showed him the way how to do it. That's why he reacted like this
In one of training episodes Naruto asked Kakashi how could he look left and right at the same time. Kakashi showed him. Now Naruto knows how to solve this problem.
Nagato, 13 Jun 2020 - 8:44pm
Isn't it obvious that Konohamaru is taking about Rasengan? Naruto has 3 Jutsu, Sexy Jutsu, Shadow Clone and Rasengan's variations. Out of these 3 jutsus which one has Rotation, Power and Containment?
Ved, 13 Jun 2020 - 8:41pm
With the next episode Suzy is going to get another week break :)
"How do get over losing you're favourite character?"

When you're favourite character is minato........
That looking left and right simultaneously is a throwback to earlier training with Kakashi.
sethgibson, 13 Jun 2020 - 7:48pm
And so Konohamaru beat possibly the second weakest Pain? I think the summoning Jutsu one is the weakest out of the 6.
The one he fought (Naraka Path) is tied with Human Path for weakest in combat imo, so I would actually say he was the weakest pain (tied for it). Summoning Jutsu one is weak without summonings, but in an actual battle She can hide in the Chameleon and just beat you with the Regenerating Dog quite easily. She is tied for second with Mechanical pain in strength for me.
Suzy you forgot already the "looking to the left and looking to the right" thingy. You need to pay more attention in future episodes or else you will miss important stuff that regards to Naruto Shippuden
