Confessions - Naruto Shippuden Episode 166 Reaction


Mank, 19 Jun 2020 - 6:42pm
Lol, wtf are you guys on drugs?
Just leave her be do what she want to do, come back on the website after a month and enjoy a good load of episodes for a week, then stop again, then repeat, you could well wait till she finishes the series and then watch only the episodes who have actual cool things you wanna see a rection of instead of rewatching the whole anime lol
Actually you are on drugs. In her video, she said she will be making daily uploads starting from March 1. Well, where are the "daily" uploads?
Mank, 19 Jun 2020 - 7:32pm
I get that you're angry cause she broke the "sacred pact", but you shouldn't, you don't need naruto reactions to have an happy life dude; she likes that new game a lot more than Naruto and she doesn't care about fulfilling her "pact" as long as she can do 16 hours of straight play, you can get angry with her but if she doesn't want to see Naruto do we constrict her? I feel sorry for the simps who pay for these things but as a peasant who watches these for free I'm cool with it, I can just stop following this site for a year and then come back to see just what I wanna see
As a business owner, you have a responsibility. You are no longer free to do whatever you want. The issue people like her get away with it is because there are a bunch of people who basically protect them. The best way to handle this is for Capitalism to do its job. You don't deliver then you don't get paid, you lose support, and you get criticized until your ears bleed from not able to hear that much criticism anymore, at that point you either get your act together and do what you supposed to in order to retain customers or you quit.
Mank, 19 Jun 2020 - 8:35pm
The point of these "business" is to be free to do what you want tho, you're expecting her to take things seriously cause money are involved, the problem here are the people setting up their expectations and then getting deluded, they're too invested in this, legit they're willing to write down their bank/credit card info on a site like this, then to add to the joke they have to e-mail her to stop the subscrition (as I've read in some comments in previous episodes that there isn't even a button to cancel it, litterally wau)
Tho I shouldn't be surprised given that the userbase is composed by people who write "lets dance" even tho that moment will come in 160 fucking episodes (so 5 months basically), or people getting angry at her cause she didn't like the bad guy of the moment even tho the guy in question still didn't get his backstory explained and it's a fucking bad guy for fuck sake!
Long story short, just stop caring, if she posts good, if she doesn't just stop following her for a month and come back to see if she uploaded something new, you'll see how next time she'll be more invested in setting up a clear schedule if that's what you want, but surely not flame her for an obvious laid back "business" and stop spending money on it if your only goal is to get to see a reaction a bit earlyer, that is really a waste tbh
Yall are both tripping. Stop crying and worrying about other people do something yourself.
But dude Nicholas literally has no life outside of Suzy's Naruto reactions, what will he do without them?
Mank, 19 Jun 2020 - 7:36pm
Agree, but unless you want to flex on the peasants who do not pay i legit do not get what is the other reason to pay, she put up a lot of "perks" but the only one that you have is "early reactions" who basically translates in "late reactions if you don't pay", anyway guess she expects those who pay to follow her on twitter where she seems to say what's going on, or maybe they have a discord server, who knows
I understand that your channel started as a gaming channel but you decided to do reactions. And charge people for VIP access and now you stop to play a game that most people on your website won't be watching. I would figure to say that a majority of the VIPs are here for your reactions. Not just Naruto but all your reactions. To completely stop just to play a game is inconsiderate to the people who came to your site. You can do both you know. You don't have to beat the game in one sitting you can do an episode a day like most gamers
Crohnic i think you are forgetting that she is a human being just like you. She doesn’t have to record her reactions to anime but she does it for us since that is what we like. She could play The Last of Us 2 if she wants to. She could literally just quit doing her reactions if she wanted to. But she is still doing them. Just because she missed a few days doesn’t mean everyone has to freak out. Everyone needs a break. You guys are all just desperate.
DiamRkco, 19 Jun 2020 - 9:41pm
Well if some people are paying her to do that then yes she can literally quit doing her reactions but then she would lose VIP subscribers and views. So she kind of does have to record them because that's what she's getting paid for
TheCrazieBoi lmfao! This is her business. As in her lively hood. And she doesnt work outside her channel and website. And she made promises to her VIP subscribers. Not to mention that she now provide less content than she did on patreon for a dollar more. She used to have full-length reactions and now they are all edited and usually drop the same day as the ones on YouTube so they're not even early either. I am a single father with a full-time job, and on my channel I post between 10 to 16 episodes a week between 5 different series plus stream video games. And I have way less time than she does. If I had the time to do my Channel full time it would be above and beyond what I already do for my paid subscribers on patreon.
