The Two Students - Naruto Shippuden Episode 169 Reaction


Naruto isn't "broken". Conflicted is a much better word for it. It shows his maturity that instead of killing Nagato he at least wants to give him a chance to explain his story and how he ended up being Pain.
It was originally, "give up on me giving up!" but's iconic, the fact that it was related to Jiraiya's last few lines before he died how he wanted Naruto to have the guts to Never Give Up
Not sure if the anime changed things or the dub, but every time someone read THAT scene in the book before, it was understood that they said "give up on making me give up" to the mysterious ninja they were fighting. i know dub's line for those parts was always "yeah... about that" which is just lame.
All I am gonna say is, I understand Pain and I too hated Pain, but I love Nagato! Not Pain, but the true person who created Pain out of all his pain. Pain is just a moving corpse with cold dead eyes and zero f*** face, so of course it's hard to love him after all that he's done. That's why I understand where you are coming from.
The two filler episodes are 170 and 171, then pain telling naruto his life story is episodes 172 and 173.
what a weird place for them to put filler episodes. if you were watching when it aired having no idea what filler was then i imagine it would be confusing
Trust me when I say that by this point all of us who were watching understood what filler was having seen OG Naruto and Shippuden filler. We were however annoyed every time it happened in the middle of an important moment.
TeamAkatsuki, 21 Jun 2020 - 5:50pm
Akatsuki are bigger than pathetic leaf village and suzy. The only thing that suzy said was true is to kill useless sakura.
Look at what she's done lattle nothing. Sorrry she helped the hospital which was then destroyed 10 minutes later by all might push
After all these years people still blame and hate Sakura as if she was real. Blame Kishi for not writing a good story for her. Hinata receives all this love as if she is written any better. She's done 2 or 3 things the entire series. She's also not written well either.

The simple truth is Kishi just flat out gave up on most of the characters in this series, not just the females. But it really sucks with Sakura though because she had a lot of potential.
on top of that she is deleting comments that are criticizing her. Which isn't really new. Let's see if she acknowledges this backlash.

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