Central Cathedral - Sword Art Online S3 Episode 11 Reaction


RJ, 06 Jan 2021 - 6:28pm
awesome video. it's been a blast to see your reactions, hear your theories and
thoughts to the third season of this show. it's been fun to rewatch it with you.
you're right about something being against law not necessarily being wrong.
and also something that is in the law not necessarily being right.
governments forcing people to be lockdown is wrong,but is on the law.
governments forcing people to use masks is wrong but is on the law.
governments forcing people to pay taxes is wrong but is also on the law.
people should not be treated like properties of the government, it's not right,
people should have freedom to chose what they want to do with their own lifes.
also some countries laws say that your reactions to animes are against the law,
even though you're obvioulsy doing nothing wrong. undoubtedly nothing wrong.
you bought the Blu-Ray and you're making whatever you want with the
product you bought,without phisically hurting anyone., and that's right.
exactly like if i buy sugar,use this sugar to make a cake and sell this cake.
i bought tthe sugar,the sugar is mine now and it's right for me to make money
with it if i want to. exactly like is right for you to make money with the Blu-Rays.
alot of those wrongs really depends on what goverment your talking about tho. i see nothing wrong in paying taxes if they are spent on things than in turn benefits the ppl of the country. i dont think its wrong too lock down in certain situations like too limit spreading of a pandemic. i dont think its wrong too say ppl should use masks if its too stop the spreading of a pandemic or if its for they own safty durring certain lines of work.
yes ppl should have the freedom too chose what they want too do with their own lifes. but a law that says u must wear a seatbelt when driveing a car is 100% fine by me. alot of ppl wouldnt care enough too use it otherwise. i dont see a problem in certain laws guideing ppl towards makeing better choices for them selfs... sure there are goverments that does not do many of this things well. or out of the interrest of other than their own gain. but thats not really the the lockdown or taxes or the goverment that makes that a problem but the ppl that run that goverment. but i can see why it would be a problem for others and not for me. in my country i find it that it works. and in the end everyone benefits here from the taxes we pay. and ofc there is decisions that is questionable. the reaction is up for debate i see ur point. but i also see the point that u cant compare the sugar as a product and a movie or in this case and anime. lets say u spend 10 years and alot of money and ressourses on devolping an idea for a product. then u finaly finish it. u sell a handfull of them with a price that reflects the hard work time and money u spent developing that product. one of the buyers says "i can do that for half that price"... u just spent 10 years of hard work and money just giveing that product away for someone else too sell it? i get ur point but. i think the idea of the law is just fine. its how its used by big companies like record companies disney and so on that is wrong. not the law as such :) dont get me wrong im not trying too deny that ur somewhat right. but its not that simple. the world is hardly if ever just black and white :)
I watched an edited version of episode 10, I don't need, or want, anything more graphic.

Suzy everyone here knows, or should know, Naurto is your favorite but please put out your SAO reactions a bit more often.
suzy i would agree that the sexual assult harasment scenes is a bit much. but unessasry i wouldnt completly agree on. the 2 from the episode 9-10 was shown as twisted horrible men pretty much from the very first scene. and too solidify how twisted beeing they where it is a very strong way too establish that. and also so a strong way too establish that eugeo and krito can be pushed far. but crossing that line is enough for eugeo too brake barriers that literaly blew up is eye ball too stop it. same with kirito durring the alfheim chapter. broke barriers too stop it towards asuna. and u can view it as uneasesary or as hentai. but i view it as they are showing what very much does also accur in our real world. and we should also strive too break the barriers needed too put a stop too sexual abuse or abuse in general. abuse is ugly and horrifying. wich SAO manage too show with those scenes.
