Reunion with Mitsuki - Boruto Episode 79 Reaction



when will Mob Psycho S3 return? D:

(more, Suzy! More! *whipcrack*)

jk. keep doing your pace haha. I just don't follow most socials so I'm not sure if you've said something about Mob yet. Was a little bummed to find out you'd dropped Chainsaw Man, but I can't entirely blame you since you clearly weren't that into it. Maybe somebody whose opinion you value will convince you to dip back into it later. I know we're just a bunch of randoms on the internet and if you watched everything we recommended you'd have a list literally a mile long.

(That said, watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Do it. It's easily one of the top 10 anime of all time and I will not be convinced otherwise)

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