His Start - My Hero Academia S4 Episode 25 Reaction


Im glad you choose not to switch to subs. Anyone who argues sub are always better or that dubs are always better is a person who is also ignorant. I watch both subs and dubs so my stance is that sure there's are some animes that are better subbed but there are also some that are better dubbed and this show is definitely better dubbed. In the sub there are too many translations that take the translation too literal and the wording makes things they say sound strange and for a show about people who are supposed to be inspirational heroes I feel like its way to distracting and pulls the audience out of the moment and it brings the show down. Also most people who have told me they don't like this show have also only watched it subbed. So stay strong girl keep this one dubbed 🤙🏽
For me this episode definitely proves endeavor is indeed worthy of being number 1 hero he did what he set out to prove
Glad you enjoyed it! This episode got me when i watched it. It was so good.
You definitely should watch the 2nd movie. It is soooooo good. One of my all time favorite movies.
This is it. The ep that finally made me not just respect Endeavor as a hero, but LOVE him.

Still a shit person though.
i cry every time also i hope u watch the movie its amazing! but u have to watch it in between season 5 causes theres spoilers
No she shouldn’t it literally has spoilers for the first arc of season 5. She should watch it after the first arc that way she isn’t spoiled
I think of All Might as the Hero and Endeavor as the Warrior. Being popular and the public face of the heros came naturally to All Might, Endeavor knows he lacks the popular `touch' but what really makes his story interesting is that he believes he needs it. Endeavor does not want to be popular
so much as he believes he needs to be popular to be an effective Number One Hero.
It has spoilers for season 5 so she should wait until after the first arc of season 5

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