Encounter with the Unknown - My Hero Academia Episode 10 Reaction


Funday, 13 Mar 2020 - 2:27am
All Might: "You can't let anyone know that you have my power"

Maybe don't use the same names for your moves that All might constantly yells? Maybe?
So? Everyone already knows that he idolizes All-Might and tries to copy his moves and such. No one would think it at all strange that he'd try to use the same moves. They'd probably think it odd if he didn't, actually.

He's not even the only one. Later in the show we find that Kiroshima is doing the same thing with another hero, bases his appearance on him, uses some of the same speech, probably uses simly moves, etc. It's not that unusual in this setting.
All the students are being rushed to evacuate and Suzy still thinks its a test! Lol i love these reactions so much ❤
keezus, 13 Mar 2020 - 12:51am
MHA: *explains exactly how villains got the schedule*

Suzy: *ignores* "OOORRR…."
Mineta's sticky balls can't be removed once they stick to something, the guy who reached back to pull the one off his back was stuck like that until they wear off.
Yeah, I'm just waiting for her to realise his gender and decide that he's a pervert.

Still funny though.
