All Might - My Hero Academia Episode 12 Reaction


Mystic, 25 Mar 2020 - 7:05am
Suzy: This is the fight of the Century!
Me: Hehe you haven't seen anything yet
Quirks follow a rule of one in this universe. A quirk might have two very different application, such as Todoroki's fire and ice, but to my knowledge no one has been born with more then one quirk.
Todoroki's. If I understand correctly Todoroki's quirk is control temperature.
His quirk effectively is temperature control. It's important to understand the mechanics of quirks in this universe. It seems he can lower the temperature to the point of freezing or raise it to the point of combustion. Keep in mind he was able to melt his ice without producing flames.
Careful about spoilers in the comments. That hasn't been explained yet and it's rather important.
Shigaraki is insane. He's like a child who just destroys what ever he touches. He also views life like a video game. And like an immature gamer he will claim his opponent cheated if he loses.
Kaizo, 25 Mar 2020 - 3:46am
They don't want to kill All Might because of his powers, they want to kill All Might because he is All Might
RJ, 25 Mar 2020 - 3:30am
All Might VS Nomu still my favorite moment on this anime.
definitely on my top 5 favorite moments on Animes.
and it's awesome to rewatch this fight but now hearing your thoughts on it.
keep it up,S.
thanks for always being our light on the darkest times.
You are right he is a sore loser and sore losers often accuse other people of cheating when they lose. It nonsense, of curse, but they won't accept defeat.
nijil, 25 Mar 2020 - 8:33am
he didn't mean literally when he said cheated and I think you are watching it for the first time in a reaction video in eng dub . Now that's dumb
