Land Ahoy! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 243 Reaction


Agreed, you would love Tokyo Ghoul Since it’s dark like Death Note and has great fighting scenes.
Problem is that they butchered the anime... the second season was pretty much completely different to the manga and the third season wasn’t that great either
The reason why killer bee called naruto the "ya know brat" is because naruto says "ya know" often.
bkss9, 06 Aug 2020 - 11:39pm
The filler from this point becomes unbeareable, many stopped watching Naruto for a while because of it. On my personal opinion I think it would be better for your enjoyment of the show to skip them all and then watch them later if you want. They completely ruin the pacing and interrupt important moments. Theres still great ones and official novel adaptations but its better to know which to watch. In the end its your call so I hope you enjoy it any way.
The fillers in the late 200s were good though. And she better not skip the filler arc in the mid 300s.
Can confirm. I dropped the series many times after the boat arc because of the fillers. It was such a pain, some arcs would drag out to 5-6 months.
You should totally play persona 4 golden if you haven't yet. This scene reminds me of p4g's shadows. I won't give spoilers to the game if you haven't played it but go for it if you haven't.
i belive that everyone also RL have a "shadow" side. beeing aware of it is important. hideing it away or ignoreing that side or those emotions from my point of view, tends too make those emotions stack up. i had a friend years back he was my roomate at something similar too a boarding school i guess. he was what u could call a gentle giant. he was so big, strong and always so cheerfull and could easy rip those who bullied him in half. and i never saw him lose his temper... a few years after we parted ways.. he finaly did.. and he snapped... and beat up some assholes so bad 1 of em ended up in intesive care... and he ended up in jail. i guess all that pendup anger and sadness just exploded. beeing aware of your shadow side is not the same as letting your anger and emotions run lose either. i was kinda like that. wearing my emotions as a suit of cloths. when i was happy. every could see it. same when i was sad or angry. i got in so many fights. but finding a balance. where u can deal with the "darker" edmotions before they stack up. and also retain em without trying too ignore them. is a hard balance too find :)
RJ, 06 Aug 2020 - 9:12pm
some really funny and lighthearted moments on the filler arc.
that fight between the Drunk Rock Lee versus Madara, was hilarious
that fight between the Drunk Rock Lee versus Gai in the boat was funny too.
the episode with Shikamaru creating a strategy on the ship was nice.
episode that Bug-Boy trained with Hinata,Kiba and Akamaru was good.
the fight between Konohamaru versus Temari was so good. that was nice.
but my favorite episode on the arc is the one that Hinata is trained by Neji.
in my opinion second half of filler arc was fun. the first half was just okay.
it's gonna be sad not being able to hear your thougths on the Filler arcs
and also on the main arcs when this reaction series of Naruto ends.
it's been a blast to rewatch every single of these episodes with you,
and hear your thoughts on all arcs. the filler ones and the main ones.
You could also watch some fillers after you finished the Shows (since you seem to dislike going through them)
only the one with jiraiya stuck with me as well as the part with kakashi and guy (guy being seasick was really funny to me idk why)
The best filler is the couple of episodes with mecha-naruto
Jiraiya and the snake
