The Man Named Kisame - Naruto Shippuden Episode 251 Reaction


in war there is never any "good guys" only the side whos ideals u agree with. thats the way i look at it atleast. sure there is good ppl in them and ppl that fight for what they belive is right. but war is ugly. no matter how u look at it.
Akatsuki did not trust each other. But it is not the same for Kisame and Itachi, they were actually friends. And one thing Kisame was not is a hypocrite. He killed his comrades to conceal intel but he also killed himself to conceal intel. He was a true and honorable man.
Dammit! She removed that epic scene where madara says is name........

Anyways, suzy... whenever itachi appears on screen...make sure you listen to what he won't find a wiser character than him in this show
N0, 25 Aug 2020 - 5:59pm
Damn! Kisame just commit seppuku (shark cannibalism style)
N0, 25 Aug 2020 - 7:05pm
yes, he's not a shark, he just commited suicide. The style is just shark cannibalism, which is what baby sharks do inside a female shark's womb.
