Super Secret S-Rank Mission - Naruto Shippuden Episode 254 Reaction


I honestly do not know any fan of naruto who walks away from watching all episodes feeling absolute joy and satisfaction from the entire experience. If you do, your just lying to your self. There is NO WAY anyone can concievly trudge through every single episode + filler content and have some sence of satisfication from it and that is the problem with this series. It really provides you an entirely different experience if you skip most of the fillers. You walk away feeling a great fullfillment but also enjoying the pace of the story but with these fillers, it really disrupts that. Now mind you, filler is not like a taboo word in anime.

Some people think so but I have seen much filler that is worked consistently into the series and provides relevent material, sometimes even better then the original story. You can have shows that have original anime content that is also generally really good but I think naruto has given filler such a very bad name and its for good reason because most of the filler in naruto is just absolute garbage, truth be told. It either contradicts the story, or its so far off the beaten path that it doesn't even logically fit within the naruto verse and yes this series is just plagued with those kinds of fillers. So its understanding how she might potentually feel a bit burned out from it all because after all she is watching everything. Personally I have the same problem with anime, i won't feel a sence of completion unless I watch every single episode filler included. Its just an annoying habbit we are born with i guess. I have seen all 720 ep of naruto, but have since watched it again just the main story and i was blown away but how different it really is in terms of the pacing. I didn't feel quite as burned out during my 2nd re-watch.
I mean sure that goes for the people that were following the anime once it was ongoing. But other reactors usually skip the intense fillers and still feel joy and satisfaction from finishing the series. Legit all you need to do is skip them.
Crypt, 04 Sep 2020 - 3:22am
I enjoy the entire series fully and watch all the fillers. You people take anime way too seriously, you're not even having fun watching the show because you're constantly criticizing it - but then you watch youtube reactions on the same show you're complaining about which I'll never understand in a million years. I'm so tired of hearing the endless nonsense about filler this and manga that from you anime/manga elitists, most of the people on here probably have very few friends because who could stand you with the endless criticism and whining.
