An Old Nemesis Returns - Naruto Shippuden Episode 265 Reaction


That makes no sense whatsoever. Anyone that says the Pain arc is the best has seen at least everything up until that point.
The canon stuff was great. However, the fillers start going on overload soon. With one episode a week in its original run, it could end up interrupting the flow of the canon story. You most likely won't have that problem, however, so I imagine it won't jar you too much.
I largely agree with you, Suzy. The War Arc is the best the series has to offer for many reasons. There are legitimate complaints though. Examples include the number/duration of flashbacks and the fillers. Regarding flashbacks, I don't mean to bash them entirely. There are two really important topics discussed via flashbacks during this arc that are a must. But most of the others are blah.
People didn't like The War Arc because of the fillers and the weeks of waiting to get back to the good stuff. Kinda jealous you have the ability to power through or skip fillers xD.
facts back when I watched it I was waiting forever so I get you but good thing we don't have to wait on her to finish the fillers🤷‍♂️
JTFM, 18 Sep 2020 - 1:10am
I think people don't like this ark as how many flash back and filler episodes there are
