Battleground! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 268 Reaction


That is what I was wondering too thanks for the clarification. And nice profile picture.
Suzy about what you mentioned about that long haired guy getting killed off, I think he died during the pain arc but was brought back, I might be thinking of someone else but I think he was one of the four guys who were killed at the start of episode 157 when pain arrived at the hidden leaf and then was brought back to life in episode 175
RUIN, 20 Sep 2020 - 10:14pm
Some other people where bothered by how some characters had such a short reanimation, but they don't understand the point of this arc. The author is wrapping up his life's work. These characters aren't coming out here to say "Let's do this all gain." They are just here to take a bow, and to allow the author to say to his audience "Thanks for the memories."
there's 119 episodes left if you don't count fillers. pretty tough to pull in less than 2 months unless you're gonna transition to 2-3 episodes a day which probably will be though for you but I'm sure everyone would be happy to get planty of naruto reactions a day so it's up to you.
I'd love for you to be done with Naruto by the time PS5 comes out, but you'll need to start cranking out 2 a day sometimes if that's the goal haha. LOTS of Naruto left.
