Origin of the Ultimate Tag Team! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 282 Reaction


Filler is what the anime added to the story. Usually done due to Japanese Holidays and/or US Holidays. Canon is referred to what is in the actual source material (manga/comic books). Ex. Naruto is based of a manga/comic, so whatever is in the comic is manga, and all the stuff added to the anime is filler.
kocie, 01 Oct 2020 - 7:31pm
Well probably I will make it a little bit complicated and probably she will not read it, but I can try.
Probably Suzy is using AnimeFillerList to check which episode is filler, so...
AnimeFillerList has just 2 types of episodes FILLER and MANGA CANON, it means that for AFL, every episode which wasn't in manga is FILLER. But, Naruto universe is not only a Manga, it's also novels written by Masashi Kishimoto. AFL has problem with marking such arcs, and Kakashi Gaiden is the best example. In anime Kakashi Gaiden is ripped into two parts, first part is marked as "MANGA CANON" and second as "FILLER"(and with different title, but this is a continuation), but it was Novel and this never appeared in Manga, so it's Filler, but it also is Canon. Same is about rest of novels, once they are marked as Manga Canon and other as Filler (There is 5 novels adaptations in Naruto Shippuden)
Finally some other people are getting on bored with recording at least some of the fillers. I love your reactions and there's things I'd love to see how you feel in the moment.
RUIN, 01 Oct 2020 - 2:28am
Not sure if you noticed but Minato gave B his nickname of "Killer" B
RUIN, 01 Oct 2020 - 2:11am
The war "fillers" are expansions of the main story because Kishi had so much to write everything was short, and the Anime gave them more time to flesh out the war.
A lot of the war fillers are good and feel like a filler but add to the story. Just record them just incase you feel its not a filler and edit and upload the ones you want.
RJ, 01 Oct 2020 - 12:47am
i did enjoyed to rewatch the first two episodes of the filler arc.
Shino is so intelligent. that was a really smart plan.
pretty nice to see Deidara's reaction when he heard about Sasuke.
Deidara is such a charismatic character.
third filler was pretty weak for most part. but the end was kinda cool, tho.
Only if Minato didnt have to protect everyone Madara couldnt even have touched his hair!!! Good reaction Suzy, as usual best reaction ever <3
Not sure what filler list you have, but this one is pretty good! It even has a detailed list of mix/cannon episodes. :)
No, the last 2 comments I made were about how I think u should react to an anime called Steins Gate, and that u need to watch the Naruto the Last movie after ep 479
