Kaguya Otsutsuki - Naruto Shippuden Episode 460 Reaction


Martin, 31 Dec 2020 - 4:29pm
No one "spoiled" about Kaguya or mentioned her because she is completely irrelevant. The creators of Naruto/Boruto should have added the Kaguya arc with all the trimmings in Boruto, so at the end of Naruto Shippuuden it all somehow makes no sense, it seems that after Madara they had too little to follow so they had to squeeze something in.
Yeah I’m pretty sure kishimoto wrote himself into a corner and couldn’t figure out a way for naruto and sasuke to defeat madara.
Getting close to the end and (assuming you haven’t already recorded a reaction to it) if you do plan on reacting to ‘The Last: Naruto The Movie’ DO NOT watch the end credits or post credits scene. Although the movie itself takes place before the end of Naruto: Shippuden, the end credits take place almost immediately after the final episode and the post credit scene happens some time after that, hence, HUMONGOUS SPOILERS!
The movie takes place after 488 if you want to understand the events that happens ep494-500 since those episodes are the "after story" to the movie. The movie has after credits that YOU CAN watch and that people will want you to react to. It doesn't spoil anything at all. But watching it after 500 will ruin the chronological order just so you know.
no that would be out of order of the way things happen i agree on what they said watch the movie before episode 500 but as soon as you see credits rolling turn it off
Why would you tell her to not watch the after credits. That's the most looked forward part of the movie!
i was agreeing with the person above but then went and saw the after credits and realized it didnt really matter
It's alright. My comment was toward @G0d_Ginrai and questioning why they would tell her not to watch the end credits since it didn't matter
Okay, maybe I worded things a little wrong. I didn’t mean to not watch the end credits at all, just not when she watches the movie. I’m sure someone could do a slight edit of the final episode and attach the end credits from the movie to the end of it or something to that effect.

(Just in case you are still following this thread Suzy, stop reading this comment here. There’s no actual spoilers but I just want to play things safe, though I will say I agree with @Malanala about at the very least watching the movie after 488. And now I’m going to throw in a few - before and after the rest of my comment so you can scroll past it for safety)

As for the end credits not mattering, I disagree. They are literally the point of the final few episodes of the series. By watching them beforehand, those episodes no longer build towards a conclusion and instead just fill in the last few gaps so to speak. Kind of like one of those shows where an episode starts with something shocking followed by the words ‘(Number of) hours earlier.’
I dont agree because a lot of reactors reacted to the end credits and it didn't do anything to spoil or ruin it for them. It's just a fun extra of something you'll already expect because the last few episodes are just fun extra fill ins for it. We would all rather Suzy react to it than to not see her reaction to it at all because I feel like she wouldn't separate a 10 second scene in another video.
A lot of Kishimoto's inspiration for this series is based from buddhist, shintoist and hindu mythology as well as Japanese folklore. The story of Kaguya is based on the story of Kaguya from Japanese folklore too. If you're really into knowing origins and mythology do check them out. It helps with many other anime too. Hell even Dragon ball z has some mythological link to it. A good youtube channel for Japanese folklore and mythology is Linfamy. He covers almost everything.

In brief though, Kaguya hime is referred to as a bunny princess (yes Kaguya in the anime is supposed to look like a bunny) came from the moon. They found her as a baby in a bamboo plant. The moon part explains why the moon is so important in Naruto.

As for how all this fits in the anime, watch Boruto! :D

Another cool thing, a lot of the Uchiha clan jutsu's are based from Japanese shinto mythology too. Amaterasu, susano, izanami, izanagi, tsukuyoumi etc are all names of Kami (gods or spirits from Shintoism). Indra and Ashura are pretty much from hinduism/ buddhism. Jiraiya, tsunade and orochimaru is Japanese folklore etc.
Mahere, 30 Dec 2020 - 12:20pm
I mean there's Giant talking Toads and Snakes. Also theres always been the tailed beast which were spiritual being's of energy and you have jutsu that summon literal reapers so Naruto always seem wierd to me.
Marx, 30 Dec 2020 - 9:12am
Believe me it will make more sense as you watch the arc, also sounds crazy but there is actually people in real life that believe on a person coming from "heavens" when that is not even a thing so a being coming from the sky or universe.
Don't worry to much this may be a setup for the sequel, but its also based off the Japanese myth of Kaguya and the storys are very similar don't worry its just opening up the lore for the future
