Connecting Thoughts - Naruto Shippuden Episode 470 Reaction


jbot9, 04 Jan 2021 - 9:12pm
I hope the next series is one piece it may be long but every episode is spectacular
I hope the next series is going to be attack on titan because that would be the best to see you react.
Zetsu just has a better grasp on how Naruto and Sasuke battle. I also kind of look at it like Kaguya has this insane power, but isn’t versed on strategy and the clever ways jutsu has been used by ninja. Just a perspective.
Kimimaro was from Kaguya clan and he mentioned that during fight with lee she can use similar Jutsu as his but it is more deadly then his.
Just a reminder to watch The Last after episode 479. If it's too much trouble to react to a movie I suggest at least for you to watch it on your own after 479.
Black setsu has intell on naruto and suske thats why hes telling her what to do not becouse shes not smart
Riegan, 04 Jan 2021 - 1:56am
Just make sure to watch and react to the canon Naruto: The Last Movie after episode 479 and before episode 480. Make sure to watch the post-credits scene of the Naruto: The Last Movie btw

Episode 484 -500 should definitely be watched and be reactions.

Also watch the last Naruto OVA that takes place after episode 500. I'm going to abbreviate it as "TDNBH" OVA.

Everything is fine suzy you don't need to ask us in every video you make (what is up) so relax everything is cool ;)
Make sure you watch The Last after episode 479 episodes 480-483 are filler but make sure you watch episodes 484-500 after you watch The Last. We’re in the final stretch of the show I cannot wait for your reaction to episode 478 that’s my favorite episode of the show.
Martin, 03 Jan 2021 - 10:32pm
It is definitely worth watching the episodes from 480 - 493, even though there is some filler in the episodes and some not. This is followed by the movie "The Last: Naruto - The Movie". After the movie you can watch the remaining 7 episodes, that should be the right order without being spoiled somehow.
Couple things, 1. Episodes 480-483 are the only ones that are filler, the rest leading up to 500 are literally all manga canon. 2. No she should not watch 'The Last' after shippuden, she needs to watch it after 479 because the movie takes place before episodes 483-500.
