The Sharingan Revived - Naruto Shippuden Episode 473 Reaction


Wow.. I literally thought that 472 was the last episode you reacted to so far since this episode and the ones after never showed up on your home page like the others lol. Happened to see it because I decided to read through comments for the last episode :D.

So I guess I get to catch up on a few episodes now lol.
Maybe you should watch Boruto after shippunden. Some main charakters of naruto have their part there. Just a new era and but in my opinion its worth to keep going with Boruto ;)
EM, 07 Jan 2021 - 10:24am
Ppl saying Kakashi's Sasuanoo 😒 we all know whose Susanoo that really is 😏 Obito Uchiha 😎
Nah, the susanoo kakashi is using has his traits. The susanoo has a scar over it's left eye just like Kakashi has, and the color of the susanoo is the same as Kakashi's "inner mind" where he talks to Obito.
When Sasuke got Itachi's eyes his susanoo did not become Itachi's. so just because they are Obito's eyes does not mean that it's his susanoo :)
What plot hole are you talking about? If you are talking about Obito temporary implanting his eyes into Kakashi or going to him after his death those are not plotholes. Early in shippuden Itachi does the same thing to Sasuke to protect him from Tobi. It's not the first time this has happened. If you are talking about him basically rising from the dead to give them to him guess what that's also happening at the same time in their regular dimension. Hagoromo is using the chakra from Madara's lower to manifest into thier world. Hagoromo also awakened permanently the Rinnegan in Sasuke and the tailed beasts in Naruto in the same way as Obito did Kakashi. Furthermore Obito experienced first hand the power of six paths while he was the ten tails host. So his understanding of connecting through the plains is further developed than most. If you are referencing Kakashi's Susanoo being "perfect" as some people say to that I will refer to Sasuke pretty much being able to perform a perfect susanoo with out any training either besides the fact that Kakashi has seen the susanoo quite a bit he was probably able to copy it with the sharigan's properties. These are not plotholes some people just are bad at remembering and seeing patterns throughout the story apparently.
Just a reminder to watch Naruto: The Last movie after episode 479. It's on Netflix. Even if you can't react to it. If your camera has a long enough battery and memory you could just post the raw reaction footage with a timer but no movie audio or video and we can sync it up with our Netflix version.
Yeah please try to react to “The Last” after episode 479 it’s canon and is a part of Shippuden timeline 🥺
out of all the plot twists she has reacted dissatisfied with. i belive this was the only time i was like wtf. i get its cool for the story and all. and its a good fan service. but this one i didnt feel like was needed. i can understand transplanting eyes. ressurecting the dead. but the dead sending their physical eyes wich had just been turned into ash moments earliere, back with their chakra alone after allready have died. yeah. i belive this was the one and only time i was thinking that was a bit forced out of no where. not hateing it but really didnt think it was needed at all either :)
Wdym, Obito was the second SO6P... he simply did a weaker version of what Hagoromo did to Naruto and Sasuke. Besides, it's only temporary boosts. Obito was there watching from inside Kakashi's body, Madara too but he was used as vessel for Kaguya.

Itachi did a similar thing to Sasuke in the past.
Dan also gave some chakra to Tsunade to regain her Byakugo seal.
