A Shinobi’s Determination - Naruto Shippuden Episode 90 Reaction


Abe, 06 Apr 2020 - 12:21am
I love to re-watch this anime with you. Thank you and regards!
Thank you for deciding to see the filling,;), and if you don't like it, come back until what you want to see comes out. ;)
I think the reason people are complaining about you watching the filler is because of the upload inconsistency of Naruto Shippuden not a hater just saying
NomaD, 06 Apr 2020 - 12:08am
Aburame Shino a.k.a bugboi
Also I recommend watching the fillers the first time you watch any anime, it makes for a more complete experience.
I realize why other people want you to skip them cuz the second time around many of them are quite tedious.
But robbing you of the complete experience cuz I don't wanna wait a week or two would be rather entitled and selfish as all hell, now wouldn't it?
Don't listen to them and do whatever the hell you wanna do. 👊😁👍 (<--- Rock Lee "nice guy" pose) 🤣🤣🤣
Bug Boy's name is Shino. Yukimaru is a boy. And I'm glad you're reacting to this arc. It's one my favorite filler arcs.
Hello Suzy! I enjoy all your reactions and just wanted to say that the reason people are probably bitchin' about these fillers is because the episodes after this filler arc are the best in the entire show and are incredible, people are very impatient and want to see you react to all of the epic stuff that comes with the main story arcs in in the future.
Good for you Suzy hehe. I actually am someone who read the manga and then watched the fillers and honestly enjoyed them. And seriously, i don’t want to start anything, but Naruto fans ALWAYS get what they want from EVERY other Naruto reaction youtube channel when it comes to skipping fillers which is cool and everything, because I also enjoy the canon stuff more than the fillers but the way they get demanding with this channel/website is just childish.
No. You're wasting your own time by watching something that you say you're not interested in. She's not to blame for something that YOU deliberetly choose to do. If she watches something that she likes then she's not wasting her time at all. The only one that is wasting his time is you, normie!
Let the haters hate Suzy, this is a long filler but it's important from an anime standpoint. You'll understand why while watching.
.... this is one of the worst arc in naruto. Now I have to wait literally a month to see your reactions to the main parts. Idk why your always on the minority side. It’s quite clear the MAJORITY of the people didn’t want to see your reaction to the fillers. I hope you don’t do this again and disappointed your fan base even more... And to the people saying the fillers are important, plz stop lying it obviously doesn’t have any correlation to the main story. Sure they might name drop some filler characters once or twice BUT that’s not worth 20+ fillers.
It's not about the majority or minority, it's about me and what I want to watch and I want to watch it all.
Knowing you (as a subscriber), I can tell you that you will like this non-canon filler once you’re finished with it
Can't you just watch the fillers after the canon stuff is done? It wouldn't make a big difference because they won't be mentioned in future canon arcs.
