Connecting Hearts - Naruto Shippuden Episode 93 Reaction


WHO said this is a filler Ark! This is just a Main story with new characters. Sasuke, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya being here THIS IS MAIN! And the Two Akatsuki. HIdan and Kakazu was the BEST episodes since Shippuden started. And BEST Characters! Badass!
AmyG, 10 Apr 2020 - 3:14am
Please don't spread misinformation. This is completely filler because it's not in the manga and not written by Kishimoto, that's what makes an arc a filler arc. All filler arcs involve some canon characters, but the story and new information in that story is not canon.
Crypt, 10 Apr 2020 - 7:00am
"Filler episodes are entries in a generally continuous serial that are unrelated to the main plot, don't significantly alter the relations between the characters, and generally serve only to take up space."

This arc is related to the main plot, goes deep into character connections at certain points and adds as much as a lot of the other arcs that people do consider canon. You and 99% of the manga geeks are using the term filler wrong. There are fillers in Naruto, but this arc isn't one of them.
AmyG, 10 Apr 2020 - 3:15am
Please don't spread misinformation. This is completely filler because it's not in the manga and not written by Kishimoto, that's what makes an arc a filler arc. All filler arcs involve some canon characters, but the story and new information in that story is not canon.
This episode is such a meaningful one. I'm sure you won't regret at all watching it.
Hey Suzy, this is actually one of the best filler arcs of Shippuden I dont know why people say otherwise. And the next Canon Arc is one of my favorites. I love the reactions!
Sneaky, 09 Apr 2020 - 3:47am
I feel like this filler ark isn’t really important and to be honest it’s probably the worst filler I’ve ever watch. what Im asking is if u could skip it. but hey that’s just me. Don’t get me wrong I still enjoy ur vids all I’m saying is for u to skip it :)
So, you really don't know nothing about the Naruto's fillers. The Sora arc, Three-Tails' Appearance (This one) and Six-Tails Unleashed are the best fillers of Naruto. They are emotional, well thought out (Almost) and develop characters that Kishimoto abandoned. To be honest, I think they are the only good fillers on the show.
