Beginning of a Dream - Sword Art Online Season 2 Episode 23 Reaction


with how accepting the students and faculty are of yuuki you also have to take into account that this is a school for sao survivors. every single student here has spent over 2 years trapped in virtual reality so it likely has a much smaller shock factor than it would for others.
yeah 16 for girls is the legal age to marry in japan
you can see why asuna doesn't want to switch schools
That's just Japan for ya even the kids are respectful and generallyy friendly I hear about Japanese children approaching travelers to better their English all the time
SQuall, 29 Jul 2020 - 2:46pm
Thanks for being such an emotional and caring person. I'm really glad that there is someone like You on the Internet.

BTW. I cannot wait for You to watch the "Ordinal Scale" movie. It's amazing and what's more important - it's soooooo beautiful. I mean, CGI and other effects look wonderful. Same thing can be said about the music. Plot is also great. It brings freshness to the series. Just watch it. <3
You need to watch the movie cause it's amazing and canon and the post credit sets up season 3.
I've watched a dubbed and subbed version of the movie and the dubbed version had scenes completely deleted. I dislike when the dubbed versions delete or censor anime. I feel like it violates the creative vision of the art. I hope the version you have is the complete film.
Not to mention the bloopers, I saw at the end of a youtube video that mentioned Season 3 lol.
Just so you know, there's a post-credits scene in BOTH the next episode (Episode 24) AND the movie! So watch both of them all the way through!
I still recommend watching Sword Art Online Alternate before moving onto Alicization, it's a SAO story not based around Kirito and his group, giving it a fresh breath of air for a bit with a nice story.
Hey Suzy next episode the ending theme song will have a little scene and after credit scene as well. Be sure to play the entire episode through and also afterwards, next after ep 24 is the Ordinal Scale movie. I can't wait to see!
That thing that Kirito did totally possible to do in our time. VR headset and motorized camera controlled with a joystick or even better 360 degrees camera and move where ever you want. It is not that hard thing to do as a programmer it is totally possible that thing that Yuki wears, some people who are tied to bed use for ex. Google Maps in VR to experience outdoor :(, sadly Medicuboid is something that will be maybe possible in another decade, at least I hope.
You must react to the movie, you’ll love it, I promise!
The legal age of consent in Japan is 16, so yes, marriages happen at 16 there.
From what I've heard on an SAO analysis YouTube channel (who lives in Japan) is it's 16 for women and 18 for men. So basically Asuna is old enough to be married, she's just waiting for Kirito to grow the hell up.
I feel like asuna was headed down the same path like her mother, if you remember correctly she was a very bossy and very driven person towards beating SAO. She wasn't trying to enjoy her time there at all but then she met Kirito and her view of everything changed. Kirito saved her from that. Thats what i believe.
The progressive novels go into greater detail of just how depressed Asuna was in SAO. She was borderline suicidal. Pushing her solo grinding to great lengths, and if she died, so what. That's how Kirito met her the first time. Alone in a dungeon, with several broken weapons, just grinding away until she either died or passed out. At the time a lot of players including her felt that beating the game was impossible and death would come for them all eventually anyway. So when she and Kirito defeated the first floor boss. It gave her a ray of hope she didn't have before. A new goal of actually beating the game and actually surviving. So yes in more than one way, her meeting Kirito saved her.
Progressive is an awesome series that goes into a lot of things that anime only fans don't know about. I'm far from the only person out there that hopes that they eventually turn Progressive into its own anime series.
