Those Who Dance in the Shadows - Naruto Shippuden Episode 365 Reaction


Martin, 22 Nov 2020 - 5:05pm
It becomes more exciting from episode to episode
This is the most Awesome episode!
This one is my favorite in Shippuden! Yes it is! Glad to see Suzy's reaction to it. finally! And there's more best episodes! I Looove orochimaru! i dont care if he's dark! i like him just the way he is!
and this is the episode i rewatched over n over again! ehe! Epic!
hjr, 18 Nov 2020 - 4:23pm
How about reacting to one anime movie "Your Name"? Pretty sure you will enjoy it
Neji's only real purpose in life was to die so he can't cockblock Naruto x Hinata lol. According to the writer himself
So he can't cockblock the ship? Lmao he does that plenty in the Lee Springtime of Youth series. I think you mean how his death was used as a catalyst to make them closer for development purposes. Just like Jiraiya's death was used to bring Naruto closer to Sasuke in understanding a loved one dying.
Its really is no way to write a character only to be used as a plot device to force a romantic pairing in the story. In fact we didn't really feel anything for neji's death either because there really was no significance or role he played in the main plot. Naruto is pretty fun and entertaining but kishimoto really has alot to learn about consistency in writing characters and developing them as a core part of the story. Quite frankly many characters were kind of just delogated to side actors because of course sasuske and naruto are the most immportant. remind you of anything? Dragon ball Z perhaps? you know with the saiyans these over powered aliens that become so godly powerful that everyother character in the story becomes not immportant anymore.

Anyways yeah he has some stuff to learn, he's still far from being Oda's or Togashi's equal.
Hopefully Iruka sensei wasn't at headquarters and didn't die along with Shikamaru and Ino's dads.
OsBarz, 17 Nov 2020 - 12:56pm
Who else thinks She should react to Naruto the last movie. After she's done with Shippuden?!...
I mean it feels like she kind of needs to watch The Last if she wants to understand the last few episodes of Shippuden. Otherwise she'll be so lost and confused on why certain events are happening 😆
I personally liked the way Neji died. It was during a war and the people closest to you can be there one moment and the next moment they are gone. It is shell shocking.
Yeah there was nothing wrong with it, just bad timing. In the Naruto vs Neji fight, you can recall how he'll never be free of the curse mark until death. It's kind of poetic that he would die but he just needed more time to shine.
Suzy is there any way to get a 360p option for video quality on these videos? I live in the US and I have very crappy internet speed of 5 Mbps so the videos buffer a lot on me.
Suzy, In your free time watch Naruto Spin-off : Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals if you want a lot more Neji.
