Pursuing Hope - Naruto Shippuden Episode 383 Reaction


So f*ck neji huh ? , his death was for nothing ?
"So he can be his big brother"... No, cause Naruto is an idiot. While he will be a great leader and protector as Hokage, he has no chance of running a successful village without a smart and capable advisor to guide him, lol.
Hobbz, 05 Dec 2020 - 11:30am
You missed the point. She understood that. Shikamaru stated that Hashirama has a brother who is smart and capable to help guide him. Suzy's reference to Shikamaru being Naruto's brother is in reference to that. Shikamaru will be to Naruto, what Tobirama is to Hashirama.
Chopping down a tree in SAO3 is barely a spoiler. It's such a minor detail.
Not a spoiler, just something i disagree with Naruto having the worst childhood, yeah his life overall is sad but just being in orphan and people not liking you is nothing compared to Gaara, Sasuke or Kakashi's upbringing, and i already know what people are going to say "don't compare trauma"
Well yeah, because you can't compare? Naruto literally had an entire village shun and hate him for just being alive because of Kurama inside him. It's easy to say it's nothing because unlike the other characters you named, Naruto never tried to live that life of harboring hatred towards them. He tried and continued living an optimistic lifestyle by never give up and having a goal. It's similar to Killer Bee, we know it effected them and that their childhood wasn't the best, but it's because of how they turned out now that people can suddenly say things like, "it wasn't that bad" versus how Sasuke and Garra are. If Naruto was more broody like Sasuke or went on a killing spree like Gaara, you would probably change your tune.
Ok lets say Sasuke and Gaara where more like Naruto with the way they handled the traumatic situations in they're life, Itachi still kills sasuke's clan and Gaara is basically Naruto the only difference is he had a dad and siblings but him having a dad didn't make his life any better than Naruto's because his father did messed up things that made his life worse than it already was. How can you say having your family killed by your brother and all the things Gaara went through is worse or equally bad, i rather be shunned. One more thing im not saying Naruto's early life wasn't hard, his life as a whole is sad but him being hated and shunned isn't really that bad in comparison
lubs, 05 Dec 2020 - 12:37am
Didn't even spoil it right seeing as Kirito didn't cut the tree down
JD, 04 Dec 2020 - 5:21am
Suzy you can't really think that Ino is stronger than Sakura or Hinata as the strongest female?
Ino has his own stuff too, stronger i mean in strength, obviously not, but shes the og female second to sakura whit the highest potential.
I think she's just biased toward blondes, lol. Sakura literally helped defeat Sasori. Ino was just stood in the back as back-up when they faces Hidan and Kakuzu.
Seeing all the Hokage use their special unique abilities to help the shinobi force is an amazing sight to see!!! Since all the Hokage are all link to each other makes it extra special. Past and present generations of hokage in the same place makes me have chills!!!
RJ, 04 Dec 2020 - 3:13am
awesome that Brands like Adidas are reaching you. you deserve that and more.
those Spiderman Sneakers are pretty cool.
epic the moment when Orochimaru and the third hokage fought together.
that was short. but epic to see those two together in battle, once again.
your reactions to Shikamaru situation were so good.
cool moment when tsunade appears to heal Shikamaru and compliment Sakura.
A thrilling moment seeing Lady Tsunade and Hashirama talking face to face once again especially with Lady Tsunade all grown up. Hashirama seeing what Lady Tsunade became since he last saw her as a baby kid where he spoiled her to death is a big growth. Hashirama c heard it in Tsunade's voice that she's passionate about the future thanks to their contributions to Konoha and the world. An amazing scene!!!
I know copyright is a B, but all these interruptions during some crucial scenes is a pain. It just sucks because there are some upcoming episodes that do have a lot of great moments packed into one episode & a lot of it will be edited out or not shown since Suzy is giving her thoughts while the episode is still playing.
Trevor, 04 Dec 2020 - 5:03am
I was coming into the comments to mention this, the amount of cuts in this episode were a bit ridiculous, I understand she wants to comment on stuff but most of those comments could be made with the video still playing, yes we want to see her reaction but when you cut literally half of the video out to talk over it, it gets a bit much. Hard to watch the show 10 seconds at a time.
Honestly I thought she'd have a reaction to the moment when Tsunade said they'd summon one TENTH of Katsuya's body, but I guess not.
