Wall - Attack On Titan Episode 25 Reaction


Armin: “determination alone isn’t enough to win a fight”
Naruto: ceases to exist
Suzy, you'll get your answers. Just be patient. This show knows how to unfold it's mysteries. And again, i told this to you before, aot world is more realistic than any other anime world you've seen. Eren's goal was to beat the female titan and that's that. As armin said, You can't beat a monster without becoming one yourself. He couldn't have beaten her if he had to keep track of all the people around him. It's sacrificing a small number of people for the greater good or as naruto cast would have said, for the future generations.
Season 4 of the dub is only a few episodes behind of the subs. Adult swim toonami have been showing season 4 dub recently. You probably won't have dvds for it but you can stream it somewhere.
since she only uses DVDs its gonna be a while same situation with SAO WOU since the both aired on toonami
She reacted to Demon slayer without dvds so idk about that. You can see the adult swim stamp on those reactions
RJ, 25 Feb 2021 - 9:21pm
that was so much fun to see your reactions to the first season of this show
I think you're exaggerating things.
Eren isn't as crazy as you think. That dubbing, which is pretty bad at his part, makes him sound like crazy.
And he wouldn't eat her there. As you saw, he could have ripped her with the skin aswell. But he wanted to see her in person aswell.
Eren is an angry loud kid, crazy is not the word, but if anything crazy sounds better than nothing.
Masati, 25 Feb 2021 - 9:28am
I dont get why she is willing to do all season of this show but never even considered it for the other series she abandoned. Maybe it's because of the dubbed and the other shows are still being dubbed.
it's not "behind the wall"... it's "inside the wall"
S2 revelations would blow her mind, it's gonna be epic
The flaming Eren and the fusing scene are anime only and are never referenced again. It was most likely used to add more excitement to the season finale but it's been retconned so you can basically pretend it didn't happen when starting season 2.
Lmao idk if she actually noticed that that was a Titan in the wall . She didn’t seem that surprised 😭. She said “ what is that thing “
hugoA, 25 Feb 2021 - 4:21am
Agreed. no regrets ova is a must watch. I don’t watch sub but that ova is a must see. It’s the only ova I watched and it made me understand levi better.

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