The One I've Set My Heart On - Black Clover Episode 28 Reaction


Black Clover has no filler episodes only slice of life episodes that introduce characters, events, or world building aspects. There are some episodes towards the end of the series that were created specifically for the anime, but they were overseen and canonised by the author himself so they aren’t filler either
Filler arc? Don't diss Team Rebecca. ( I am only on episode 33 so I don't know if she is a recurring character - no spoilers.) Rebecca's unfrivolouness really stands out.
oturan, 24 Apr 2022 - 5:15pm
Most black clover episodes are not filler except for a few. However, I think the next episode is straight recap so you can skip that one if you haven't already seen it.
Anees, 24 Apr 2022 - 7:07am
The great thing about black clover is that even if it is a filler episode, it shows some introduction to some cannon episodes for example this one shows how Asta knows Rebecca which will show up in a later cannon episode so like if you have skipped this episode you wouldn't know how Asta knows her later in the cannon episode
Most of Black Clover isn't filler, there are some fun episodes that are filler mixed in but are still good to watch. The real filler episodes to me from watching the whole series are, episodes 82, 123, and 124, part of 125 continues from 124 from the flash backs but also has some new material too after the flash back story is told. Then there is a filler arc too which are episodes 142-148. That filler arc is actually really dark and I kinda wished it was cannon it was great I thought so. But overall those are the legit episodes that can be skipped you will either miss nothing important to the main story or very little as most of episode 125 is still filler back story.
Most of Black Clover isn't filler, there are some fun episodes that are filler mixed in but are still good to watch. The real filler episodes to me from watching the whole series are, episodes 82, 123, and 124, part of 125 continues from 124 from the flash backs but also has some new material too after the flash back story is told. Then there is a filler arc too which are episodes 142-148. That filler arc is actually really dark and I kinda wished it was cannon it was great I thought so. But overall those are the legit episodes that can be skipped you will either miss nothing important to the main story or very little as most of episode 125 is still filler back story.

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