The Boy With The Sharingan - Boruto Episode 20 Reaction



As someone else pointed out, a lot of the Boruto anime isn't in the manga but is still canon to the overall story. In the past, a lot of manga would have chapters once a week and the anime would adapt it with filler episides made to avoid catching up too fast, but these days it seems at least some manga got changed to once a month, possibly so the creators don't get overworked. With Boruto everything that happens in the anime is relevant but because people aren't used to the anime canon concept they just say it's filler and not canon at all which isn't the case. That's why most reactors who normally skipped filler in Naruto have been watching every episode of Boruto. Because they know better.
The reason why people say so much this and that is filler is because now the Boruto manga issues only comes out once a month leaving the anime to fill in a chunk load of extra episodes so the anime doesnt quickly catch up with the Manga. In the orignal Naruto series a manga chapter came out almost every week.
Boruto is actually ALOT of filler like 60% filler. But that doesn't mean it doesn't add extra info and isn't enjoyable....but there is definitly alot of filler.
People call most Boruto Episodes a filler because they aren’t in the manga and usually if an episode isn’t in the manga then it is a filler but with Boruto that isn’t the case because they’re officially Cannon. They’re called anime cannon.
hopefully we don't have 8 days to wait this time, but I know she's sort of slow rolling Boruto. (especially since she has a few other shows she's blasting through right now from what I can tell, though I only watch Demon Slayer and Naruto/Boruto stuff.)
She also explained in a previous episode why she isn’t speed running Boruto so to speak

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