Rescuing Naruto! - Boruto Episode 64 Reaction



RJ, 24 Nov 2022 - 4:02am
Suzy, please think about react to all the fillers.
there are no many fillers on this show and on my opinion the fillers of this show are mostly good. and i would love to hear your honest opinions about all the episodes of this show.
i would love to hear all your opinions and see all your reactions to each one of the fillers.
and i know that thousands of people would like too.
please give a chance to the filllers and make all of us that would like your opinions to 100% of this phenomenal show pretty happy.
i would like to see you watching and having your own conclusions about if you liked or not the fillers.
again, there are not many fillers on this show. the filler arcs are pretty short.
the fillers are good to develop even better the new characters. and on my opinion there are nice and fun adventures on the filler arcs.
i'm loving to see your reactions and to hear your thoughts.
in my opinion Boruto is even a better show than Shippuden was. (Og still my favorite).
and i'm having even more fun to watch you reacting to Boruto than i used to have to see you reacting to Shippuden. but still my favorite was seeing you reacting to OG.
please share all your moment of this show with us. Fillers and Canon episodes. please react to all of them.
RJ, 24 Nov 2022 - 6:08pm
@Alex1089 my opinion is that most fillers are good and your opinion is that most fillers are bad. but i would love to hear Suzy honest opinion about the fillers.
everyone is different. i will have a opinion, you will have another opinion and suzy will have her opinion. and i would like to hear her own opinion and see her reactions to the fillers.

The next one's the one I've been looking forward to most since you started this show haha

Can't wait to (hopefully) sit down and watch it after my Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow.

Next Episode

Check back soon!
