New World - Death Note Episode 37 Reaction



•Attack on titan (copyright warning same as demon slayar)
•Code Geass

I think you will love those series
Yea LeLouch is kinda like Light if he never lost his way. No matter how messy things got, LeLouch never lost sight of his original goal and didn't view himself as a God. On the other hand, Light became corrupt very quickly. By ep 2, he's just straight up evil
Ehh... not sure about Psycho Pass, First season was amazing but the Second and Third werent as good
Bro I wanted her to watch these two. Code Geass would definitely be an interesting one, plus Psycho-Pass. I think she may get bored of Monster but I would be Interested to see her take on Monster definitely.
If you are interested in a short anime I suggest death parade as it is the same world as death note and has a interesting scene in there that helps finish this.
I don't really like the ending for this. I think Light should have lost to L instead of Near. Light and L were both smarter than Near in my opinion. Either that or Light should have won to see how the world would be.
He did not just lose to Near, he lost to Mel as well. And by losing to them, he had pretty much lost to L in the end if you think about it. Near and Mel had so much information to work with, all thanks to L.
If you've liked Death Note, you will like for sure attack on titan, it's one of the best anime ever with death note
Death note is one of 3 great anime of all time chosen by people all around the world by survey and Popularity pool the other one is Fullmetal alchemist Brotherhood that always keep coming on top the last one is a secret :)
I recommend Psycho-Pass this is in my opinion best anime I ever watched (first season was excellent and second was OK too I guess).
maj, 07 Sep 2020 - 4:30pm
I really like both L and Light. I wish people would understand whats happening to Light through the series. He really is a tragic Character. Coming from the right Ideas with a bad way to reach his Goal to a mad driven crazy sick lost Character who thinks he is actually God. Only to be taken out be the Evil that brought him into the whole Situation.
Another older anime (came out around the same time that Death Note did) that you'd love is Code Geass. Death Note is probably in my top 10 list as far as series go, but Code Geass holds the indisputable number 1 spot in my mind. Please consider Code Geass for VIP. :)
Juri, 07 Sep 2020 - 7:02am
Not sure why attack on titan not on the radar especially with the last season coming
jun, 07 Sep 2020 - 6:27am
If you like Death Note, you'll probably like Code Geass. It's different but it's about a hyper intelligent person and the writing is as good as Death Note, if not better.

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