Twilight - Naruto Shippuden Episode 126 Reaction


they did, what is she listening to.....goto 10:25.....god this is making me mad, this is the 2nd big reveal you missed consecutively.....tobi is madara
Ryze, 09 May 2020 - 9:32pm
Um they literally said his name Minato Namekaze, the 4th Hokage...and this isn't a spoiler don't worry
AJL, 10 May 2020 - 1:11am
It actually is a spoiler as they haven't directly stated or confirmed that it's his father. It's heavily implied. People need to seriously let her figure things out as obvious as they may be. Unless it causes confusion down the line like the Tobi reveal, just let it be.
Tushee, 09 May 2020 - 9:29pm
Next 2 episodes should be a double upload, just like Kakashi arc, just sayin ;)
Also, I think u should avoid comments section until u watch those 2, people might acidentally spoil u something specific about them.
Anyway, nice reaction as always, keep em coming :)
"I need more Jiraiya in my life, I need more Jiraiya in my day". This made my day Suzy. He is my favorite character in Naruto. Are you going to do a two episode special for the next two episodes because it's similar to Kakashi backstory stuff?
Suzy you need to be a little more insightful xd, I say these last two episodes have released a lot of information and you did not get any lol, but well things are becoming increasingly clear
RogerioGN, 11 May 2020 - 11:08pm
lol i was afraid to say the same... I know that naruto has a lot of names and things going on, but jesus christ.
m216, 09 May 2020 - 9:14pm
Omg, are you watching this with focus? rewatch this and you got father's name omg
AJL, 09 May 2020 - 9:02pm
Nobody better spoil a thing and let her figure things out herself. Looking forward to so much. Please keep the daily reactions coming!
akn, 10 May 2020 - 1:28am
Nigga its not even a spoiler. People already know who the hell minato is and literally everyone else watching this for the first time with NO context put two and two together. She's just really fuckin dense.
It doesn't matter if "everyone else" knows it. If you ruin it for someone, regardless of who else knows it, then it's a spoiler.
AJL, 11 May 2020 - 4:14am
You're pretty dense if you think revealing something that hasn't actually been confirmed isn't a spoiler. As obvious as it is, why tell someone totally oblivious when it's gonna be shown 2 episodes later?
Crypt, 11 May 2020 - 4:30am
