Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls – Part 2 - Naruto Shippuden Episode 128 Reaction


I hope this doesn't sound mean or anything but, I'm enjoying seeing your brain go around for a loop trying to figure out what's going on. I hope nobody ruins anything for you because I want you to come up with crazy theories and figure out for yourself whether they are right or wrong.
I don't know if you noticed this but (I promise this is not even close to a spoiler), Nagato has the same voice actor as Obito. Vic Mignoga.
This entire arc is based on mystery and suspense so don't feel bad if you get a few theories wrong Suzy
Saying this is unnecessary, please stop talking about the potential accuracy of her theories
he didnt confirm or deny anything all he said its ok if she does get things wrong after addressing the stuff at the beginning with her feelings, relax
Tbh I had already new that Minato and Kushina were Narutos parents. I didn't want to spoil it for all those who didn't know.
Am so glad we are getting deep into this finally...this is where things will start getting interesting
Katara16, 11 May 2020 - 7:07pm
''These kids... shall I kill them?'' Orochimaru is just priceless! :P
well too be honest he might have look at it as mercy :S rather than a slow starving painful death he considered a quick and "painless" one would be mercy?
Katara16, 11 May 2020 - 8:57pm
Yeah, that's true... in a way he had a point, but still... the way he says it and in front of the children, man it was funny :P
Magic, 11 May 2020 - 6:54pm
Man, I frkng love your reactions. My suggestion to you suzy is to avoid comments unless you trust em like your mods on discord for example. And man I cant wait for the upcoming chapters these two arcs are hella good.
calmv, 11 May 2020 - 6:31pm
Great reaction as always Suzy, I hope you can tell us your own theories every episode :D