The Tale of Jiraiya the Gallant - Naruto Shippuden Episode 133 Reaction


Lol, I'm sorry.. I love these emotional reactions.. but how did you not see this coming? :D I mean, the deathflags were everywhere and really in your face. I guess it's a little adorable that you believed in Jiraya so much that you truly believed that he wouldn't die.
random, 13 Aug 2020 - 1:00pm
She said way before that when they give backstory of a character it's because they will kill that character, BUT she also said that Jiraya is so so important to the story that they would not kill him now since there're a lot of episodes ahead, she thought they only would kill characters like Jiraya around the episodes 400s. So she knew something could happen, but she also bet in the wrong hypothesis.
Chrono, 27 May 2020 - 4:06am
any reason why these two episodes are edited for the regular and not the vip? by that i mean the clips being transparent in the vip setting as well.
Nappy k, 17 May 2020 - 1:53am
I watched this episode at least a couple dozen times since it first dropped and I still have trouble not crying at Jiraiya's death and if I make it through his actual death I always just lose it and can't hold back the tears anymore when I get to the moment where Naruto feels Jiraiya grab his shoulder right before he goes that part is just too much.
Pain takes the anima to a new level like I never once felt any of the core characters were in danger until this fight. I expected Jiraiya to be ok the entire thing, however, the ending of the last episode shook my confidence in that. This episode was so hard for me as I loved Jiraiya as I can see you did. :(
I have seen this many times and still I believe Jiraiya should have escaped when he had the chance. My rational is that he would have been able to recollect the faces of the pains once he had time. He could have been able to figure this out without losing his life.
