Amaterasu! - Naruto Shippuden Episode 137 Reaction


strange why didn't my comment go through? Basically I said that I don't think taking an eye is fatal. Remember Kakashi's left eye was injured and he didn't die at least in this show. Realistically I have no idea on whether or not it's considered fatal, but my guess is that it isn't fatal.
Suzy I think you misinterpreted what Itachi said. The more you use the mangekyou sharingan the worse your eye sight becomes. So eventually, if you use it enough you will go blind. You don’t go blind instantly. Like in this episode they showed how itachi’s vision isn’t great and he was seeing like 3 Sasukes (around 7 mins in your reaction vid).
Oh, finally I could create the account and I can tell how Suzy is incredible.

I love these brothers. I can't wait next episode reaction.
Question? I just finally able to make an account as well but, I can't watch no episode from any video of hers? Any Idea??
A, 21 May 2020 - 4:54pm
the reason why it looked like the eye of sasuke was pulled out was because he was in an genjutsu like kakashi
The current arc and the following ones are the culmination of Naruto in my opinion. I cannot wait for the reactions!
She so offended/shocked because Itachi took the same eyeball she's blind in in that genjutsu
