Fate - Naruto Shippuden Episode 140 Reaction


LewLow, 25 May 2020 - 12:47am
Suzy after you uploaded your VIP I can't watch your reactions on my Xbox anymore, it doesn't work :(
Great reaction as per usual suzy! Im sure hanah (pardon my spellingnifni jotched it) would have truly appreciated your kind words and thoughts. Keep your head up! Youre doing a bang up job
Hating and mobbing are one of the most disgusting thing in our society.
Just imagine a world without crazy people!
How boring would this life be?
I dont know who Hana Kimura was, but to hear that such a beautiful girl commited suicide because of that feels so damn wrong...
It's nice of you to dedicate this episode to her.
RIP everyone whom is no longer with us...from cyber bullying, internet drama or other wise...I hope all the joy you bring people Suzy can outshine all the internet drama that unfortunately follows the bigger you get!
Suzy: Itachi’s supposed to be the bad guy
Madara: You think you know all about Itachi but you know nothing
Don't worry. Not a spoiler at all but just to clarify. Itachi is an Uchiha, born and raise. On the playground is where he.. ok. Anyway when he said Itachi was planted as a spy it simple means he was ordered to spy on his own clan.
Suzy the filler ark starts from episode 144 and lasts till 151. I hope we will get reaction to episodes 142 and 143
Itachi Uchiha is an Uchiha. It's like in the cold war when the Americans hired a Soviet spy to spy the Soviets themselves.
Itachi was an Uchiha and they ordered him to spy on his own people. He was just chosen because of his abilities.
The wording makes it a bit confusing, but yes Itachi IS an Uchiha and he IS Sasuke's blood brother. "Implanted" makes it confusing, but basically the Leaf village "chose" Itachi as a link between the Uchiha and the Leaf village.
rush, 24 May 2020 - 3:51am
By planting him as a spy they don't mean planting in the literal sense. Itachi was born a real Uchiha like any other uchiha, the village just "converted" him to their cause and turned him against the clan, making him spy on it for them.
The youtube community toward you and others is toxic as hell, and I'm glad you have your own page.
This episode was amazing :)
